Month November 2016


“One of the most interesting parts of writing is that you can think about it all of the time. Writers get their ideas all day and all night long, not just when they sit at their writing tables. No one…

Back to the past

“Examination of our past is never time-wasting. Reverberations from the past provide learning rubrics for living today.”  ~ Kilroy J. Oldster~ Coming back to the past isn’t always a wrong decision,  sometimes, it may give us a new view about…

Sleep tight

Singing can be a good way for making a baby sleep, I use this method, when I try to sing for a baby, I imagine a story on my head like the baby pass to the world of dreams and…


your journey, your life your choice, decision your success and failure your tears, sorrows your happiness and joy ” No-one is able to understand them completely more than you, you need to trust yourself and go on… “


If we choose to be happy  then we can be It shouldn’t be reasons for happiness just a one decision to be is enough Be happy with who you are and never wait for others  to make you happy or…


 Everyone knows about the importance of playing sports,  it s not just because it is really good for the body to exercise  but sport may put us or let us knows the best of ourselves and more.  Like a new…

The best way to let go

Maybe anyone can get millions of advices to learn about the ways of letting go Maybe we may get the courage for that But I believe that the real and clear way for letting go start by facing what we…

Truth or senses

To be able to keep strong, to keep smiling,  are you going to listen always to your mind or just follow your feeling!!  I think that the truth exists beyond the senses following sense may give a greed to know…

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