Have you ever wondered why it was possible to walk into a room and be immediately attracted to someone you did not even know? There seems to be a field of magnetic force between you, which attracts you, closer and closer to you until, even without even knowing it, you are lost in a conversation full of intimate energy.
We all possess powerful, electrical and magnetic forces within us. Like magnets, we exert a force of attraction for others and lovers, this intimate connection is amplified, because we focus on what we are attracted to.
When we can learn to accept this powerful energy, we can use it to elevate our consciousness through the sacred act of intimate relationships.
An enlightened partner is aware of this and will use this same magnetic energy, to elevate the experience to heights that you would never have believed possible until now. As if they could read within you, your sensitive points, what you like and do not like without uttering a word.
If you are an unenlightened person or someone who is not in step with his own energy, you can ignore what is actually happening.
So how do we know, apart from intimate relationships, if your partner is enlightened?
1. Intimate Connection: They stay in the present moment
An enlightened partner understands that intimate relationships can be a meditative experience. Facilitate the three qualities of seeking a state of inner meditation. The control of breathing, withdrawal of the senses and concentration. When you are with an enlightened partner, his mind does not wander.
They think of nothing but what is experienced at this very moment. Sensual touch and energy are shared. The joy of the energetic bodies is inflamed, intoxicating one another in order to heal and balance one another.
2. Intimate relationships are not limited to this
An enlightened partner knows that there is no end to the game when it comes to intimate relationships and there is no rush. Intimate relationships are not about liberation, they relate to experience.
When they are intimately connected, they deepen the emotional, psychological and spiritual ties.
3. They look deep into your eyes
An enlightened partner wants to see your soul and connect with your mind. Looking deeply into the eyes of your partners, you can establish the connection, soul to soul and mind to spirit and energy flows freely between the two.
4. They are not selfish
A person who is selfish in general is likely to be selfish in bed. A selfish lover will not connect to you emotionally and can settle for a position that works for them.
An enlightened partner will try to take his time and accept various positions, to get the right flow of energy.
Intimate relationships should never be a big job, it is important that both partners have fun.
5. Intimate connection: Their energy is magnetic
An enlightened partner can play with your energy body. Using the positive and negative charge to build the energy of your sacred chakra, making it climb along your spine with the intention of releasing it through the top of your head.
An enlightened partner wants you to experience … awakening!