Our Universe is based on energy. We are energy, our thoughts and feelings transmit energy.
Sensitive souls have a greater awareness of the energy around them and they can feel the energy of other people and their environment.
Here are 5 signs that you are a highly sensitive soul-
1- You are Hyper Aware of the Moon Cycles
Every month the Moon completes a cycle moving from new to full. The Moon represents emotions, so highly sensitive souls are often very in sync with the phases of the Moon.
Around the New Moon they may feel a calling to retreat or go within and around the Full Moon, they may feel a heightening of energy and a calling to release or put an end to things.
Highly sensitive souls may not understand their connection to the Moon and sometimes this can cause them to feel anxious or uncomfortable at certain points in the month.
2- You Can Pick Up On What Others are Feeling
Being able to pick up on other people’s emotions is commonly referred to as being empathic. Sensitive souls are often able to decode another person is feeling, and may even feel those emotions.
The sensitive soul may also be able to tell how others are feeling even when they are not around especially if there are dear ones.
This can be very heavy to deal with at times, which is why it is important for sensitive souls to protect their energy and stay aware when they are receiving someone else’s energy.
3- You Feel Uncomfortable in Crowded Places
Being in a crowded room or even certain public places like malls can make sensitive souls feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable. The way there are collecting the energy around them.
Sensitive souls are as well hyper aware of their environment, which means that certain sounds, smells and even artificial light can feel extremely overwhelming.
Sensitive souls may define their overwhelming feelings as claustrophobia or even social anxiety, but it may just be that they are just picking up psychic energy from the environment.
This can be hard to deal with, which is why it is important for sensitive souls to develop new tools for protection.
4- You are Highly Intuitive and Can Access Other Realms
The sensitive souls are so aware of the environment and other people’s energy, their intuition is often very strong. Often they can sense things before they happen or even pick up when someone close to them is going through a hard time.
Sensitive souls may also have strong feelings of knowing or strong gut feelings that seem to hold clues. They may also be able to access other realms.
5- You Can Sense Negative Vibes
Sensitive souls can immediately tell when someone is lying or acting. They are also very good at picking up negative energy around a person or situation.
Sensitive souls have the ability to see straight through eyes, which can sometimes be confronting for them and others.
Sensitive souls need to learn how to trust their instincts and recognize when their intuition is leading them to the truth.
When a sensitive soul is unaware that they are picking up so much energy from the world around them, they won’t be able to understand why they are feeling anxious.