Shamans are people, men, and women, who use their powerful connection with nature and the spiritual world to heal and awaken others.
Shamans "travel" to the spiritual world using drums, herbs and crystals and retrieve psychically guided information about a soul from their spiritual guides, gods, and ancestors. They are also capable of channeling other spirits, gods, and divinities and are powerful creators of the world around them. Shamans often rely on their relationship with Mother Earth to discover medicinal plants and herbs.
According to some, shamans are initiated after having experienced some kind of process of death and rebirth (physical, emotional or energetic). This process also indicates that the soul is ready to become a shaman. We can also say that they are energy healers who also have a gift of mediumship and herbalism, but they usually hold their knowledge of the spiritual world.
The word shaman is translated as "the one who knows". Shamanism has evolved through many cultures and resembles the practice of marabouts, energy healers, and practitioners of alternative medicine. But this type of healing has been condemned for a very long time.
Some people also think that if you are a shaman in a lifetime, you are destined to return and convey some of your knowledge into your other lives. It also means that in your previous life you have worked as an apprentice and that in your next life you will finally be able to enter your role.
Here are 5 signs that your inner shaman is waking up
You hear the call of your shaman origins
This is the most obvious sign that your inner shaman is awakening. You will begin to feel the "vocation" of other shamans (in your dreams or the spiritual world).
And do not forget, other shamans will enter your life to remind you of your gift, and the path you are destined to take.
Connection with nature and animals
Yes, there is a close relationship with nature. Shamans often use animals as guides or messengers. You should be very careful, see if you receive messages from plants or animals, or if you are sensitive to nature and your environment, as this may indicate that your inner shaman is awakening.
Dreams of Real Appearance
Have you ever had dreams where you felt like visiting other worlds or dimensions? If so, your inner shaman might awaken. Shamans are able to travel in different dimensions and retrieve information about the past, future, and present of your soul.
So if your inner shaman awakens, you may notice an astral journey during your sleep or strange dreams about spiritual beings.
Psychic Abilities
Shamans are connected to the spiritual world and often have gifts of mediumship and clairvoyance?
You know everything about medicinal plants
Yes, you already know what you should use. Shamans use the wisdom of spirits and are able to prepare concoctions of natural plants to heal both the energetic and physical body. In addition, many of the plants used in traditional shamanism have been supported by science. Incredible, is not it?
Thus, if you are naturally attracted to plants that heal all evils, this may be the sign of a past connection with the world of shamanism.