1. He takes care of your person
A loving man is a caring man, who takes into consideration your feelings, your needs, and your desires. These are as important to him as his own desires and needs. He cares about your well-being and makes sure to make your life better, sometimes even to the point of surpassing oneself. Not only does it take care of your person, but it is also good for your family and friends.
2. He is generous with his time
He never gives up too much time without seeing you. When he is available, he wants to be by your side and chooses to spend his time with your person. If you are in a long distance relationship, he spends as much time in your company as your times allow. Your couple will spend the holidays together, Valentine's Day, Easter, Christmas, Christmas and New Year.
3. He makes his companion a priority
It is at the heart of its concerns and it keeps contact for all the times when you do not see yourself. He can not help but be in communication with you, and he takes you into consideration when making decisions and is mindful of the things you want to do. When he speaks, he uses the "we" instead of the "I" and includes you in his plans for the future.
4. He takes care of his companion
A man who loves his companion is sincerely happy when she gets good results. And he is compassionate when she goes through trials. This man is there for her in good and bad times. He thinks of her and surprises her with marks of affection outside her birthday, and parties. It will also challenge it to meet the challenges and become a better person.
5. He wants people to know you
It shows affection towards your person in public, it holds your hand, you cuddle and hug you as soon as possible. He is proud to be with you and introduced you to his family and friends. It takes you to the proper functioning of a family, accompanies you to evenings and events between friends, or co-workers.
6. He treats your relationship with integrity
It is trustworthy and loyal to you and your relationship. He is frank about his ex-girlfriends and his hidden secrets. He stands by what he says and lets you know if he is not able to do so. When problems arise, he is ready to work to solve them. Even if he is not perfect, he tries to be a better man.
7. He wants the best for his companion
A man who loves you encourages you to do things you love, and even if that does not include it. He wants you to spend time with family and friends. He encourages you to find and live your passions, for he knows that your happiness is his, and that if you are blossomed in what you are doing, you will also be with him.
Give little importance to his words and pay more attention to his actions and all his behaviors. The attitudes and behaviors in a man are more than revealing and they show whether he likes you or not.
It is easier for a man to say, "I love you" because that is what you want to hear. The real test to know if he likes you is if he displays the signs described above. When a man loves you, you will not need to hear his words because you will know them.