Intuition is a second way of clairvoyance. However, the intuitive attitude is cultivated over time, it is a choice and an art of living, of which there are some keys.
We would all like to have good intuitions. But to think it over, bad intuition is not intuition. It is a desire, a prejudice, and a fantasy of the imagination seeing as an intuition. The proper of intuition is to provide accurate information about a situation to come. What to do, since the process is unconscious? Leave the unconscious more room for expression. Above all, do not put yourself in the lead! Listening to one’s intuition is first letting go and accepting what comes. A serene state of mind, the development of attention to the present moment,
1 / Better listen to your intuition: Believe in your intuition
Because it exists. It all begins here. We have become accustomed to repeating that logic is our only guide. On the idea of the rationality of the economic agents, we have built systems, whose relevance we find today! We must be convinced of the existence and validity of the intuitive intelligence, so mysterious it seems to us. The psychologist Richard Wiseman, who has worked on luck, has identified these two characteristics among the lucky ones: they believe in their Baraka, and they follow their intuition much more than the unlucky. Remember your intuitive moments, cultivate a secret garden of intuition.
2 / Practice the sensory detox
From one obligation to another, without a real moment of true relaxation, we find ourselves caught in a spiral of stress: fast meals, liters of coffee, an approximate sleep, television as the sole source of relaxation, Noise in the street, in the office … STOP! Want to hear our intuitions in these conditions … So much to try to listen to the song of the birds during a rave party. Take care of yourself: treat yourself to real moments of relaxation, take the time to enjoy healthy food. Try to find moments of calm to recharge your batteries.
3 / Listen to your body
” Often, when we are in the presence of others or in certain situations, we have bodily emotions that we do not take into account”. This can result in an unexpected feeling of unease, which does not need to be. The body is the interface, the receiver of information at the same time as it expresses what your intellect can not discern.
4 / Cultivate the trance
Trance is not just exaltation, loss of self-control or delirium. In its mild form, it promotes in the brain the phenomenon of synesthesia, that is to say, the cooperation between all the cerebral centers, which is a source of intuition and creativity. Meditation practiced regularly is a stationary way. The movement is another way: yoga, tai-chi, qi gong … So many gymnastics that have been invented to exploit the potential of trance. In general, putting one’s body in motion is a prerequisite, because it encourages perception, and it is in perception that intuition is born. A good start may be to prefer walking as much as possible to public transport.
5 / Better listening to your intuition: “Intuit” constantly
To listen to your intuition means to be reactive, to dare to leave the rank. Life will offer you hundreds of practice opportunities. Friendly words can hide sneaky intentions, which signals a feeling of discomfort. Understand the meaning of intuition and react accordingly. In this way, you strengthen yourself. Intuition can push you off the beaten path. You will sometimes be alone and you will make decisions that few people will understand. What does it matter? Life has more imagination than statistics. “As soon as you get rid of the idea that you must please others before you please yourself, then you start to rely on your instinct and it is only then that you are satisfied. ” You then become more and more satisfied and people will tend to be satisfied with what you are doing. “
6 / Be honest with yourself
You are the ultimate judge of your experiences. You may have intuitions that make you nervous but are right at 90%, while the vast majority of your flashes of unwavering certainty lead to fiascos. Learn to spot your moments of intuition. Be lucid, avoid the convoluted arguments of style: “It is true that I had this intuition and that I was wrong but eventually what happened after was beneficial, so ultimately the intuition was good. “ If you keep a journal of your insights, focus on the facts: what was the situation? What did you feel physically? What decision did you make? What happened next? Strive to always differentiate between the facts and their interpretation, Based on emotions and desires that can be misleading. Do not dismiss the hypothesis of extrasensory perceptions, and do not see them everywhere either.
7 / Have fun
Remember that the human being develops by playing. By becoming an adult, we forget this part of ourselves. “The real advances must necessarily break with the logical order we know. “ In this breach rushes the idea that moves us forward. The game is a dynamic experience, which absorbs us and has no other purpose than to provide us with pleasure. Everything is possible: reading, sculpting, painting, doing theater … It is in this spirit that we advise you to experiment your extrasensory perceptions. Imagine that since your childhood, you lived with a leg attached to the back, forced to hopping. What’s more enjoyable, Intuition is born and flourishes in the experience of freedom. “People only see what they are prepared to see,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. Be prepared for anything.