The ability to feel your soul's perceptions will increase as you exercise it, but it requires a great deal of confidence in sensations to which you previously paid no attention and which you have practically not developed.
Here are some of these sensations so that you can recognize them.
When you experience the sensations that follow you, recognize them and, if you can, give up to them to see where they lead. It may be your soul that speaks to you through them. Of course, you may think you are going crazy, but you will still know that you are sane.
1 - Any visual anomaly, such as a vision of colors or stains, luminosity around people or objects, shapes appearing in your field of vision, as well as blurred or tunnel vision. Perhaps these are signs of perception of another dimension or the indication of a path or subject to be pursued.
2 - Unusual sounds: Voices in your head, especially sudden and unexpected messages that seem illogical and random. These sounds occurring in your ears are perhaps a way to get your attention. Take this into account when they occur and also consider any particular message that seems completely irrelevant. Your soul and your guides choose precisely when their message can be distinguished from the usual activity of your brain.
3 - A feeling of euphoria that inexplicably places you in a certain state or in a certain situation. It is not a feeling of heaviness, but of freedom and lightness. If there is an impression of heaviness, do not abandon yourself there, but if it is a euphoric state, go ahead.
4 - A repetitive vision or mental image of certain people or situations. Follow this vision to see what it is driving. Often, repetitive images have a special meaning for you or are meant to tell you something important.
5 - An unpleasant sensation in the abdomen: It may be a warning about the interference of a lower energy, and a call to mental and spiritual protection. Nausea, headaches and other unexplained physical sensations that you may experience in a certain place or in the surroundings of some people may constitute warnings about the intrusion of negative vibrations or overloading of your circuits and the need To drive you away.
6 - Influences of energy in the body, often at the hands or at the top of the head, are indicative of a connection to a light source. Write down what you are thinking about, what you are doing or what you are associated with. This always means that you are connected to a particular vibratory frequency.
7 - Intuitions concerning people, places or events: Trust the strange and the unknowable. At least listen and observe. You do not help your soul if you do not pay attention to what seems unknowable to you.
If you pay attention to these unusual perceptions, you encourage your soul to communicate at another level. These sensations will then increase and become a valuable guide to progress. The more you are aware of your soul and its connection to various vibrational frequencies, the more you will be able to increase your intention powers.
When your soul will be direct to you, you will be in the flux of light transfer. It is in this energy flow that your creativity can flourish. When your soul is at the controls, you can create without the preconceived limits that are currently blocking you.
If you follow these sensations, you will be well on your way to entrusting direction to your soul. You will then be able to pass through all blockages on a personal and global level. When you imagine the disappearance of boundaries between you and objects in space-time, your soul will be free to create something new. Imagine your present life without all the obstacles you have given it.
What would you create?
Before you can create anything new, you must first be able to imagine and feel a new reality. In addition, you have to trust the sensations that lead you to blend more with what you are. Nothing was ever created without first being imagined and tested. Grant yourself the freedom of an adventure of animal discovery that you have never believed possible before.
Transcend your fears, your insecurities, and your doubts, and follow the signs your soul gives you. Use your new connection and extrasensory perceptions now to create a new vision, the one directed by your soul.