Empaths are people who may be difficult to identify but who share emotional reactions with others. They read in body language and special inflections, gleaning more information than what the average person lets appear.
In today's world, apathy and sympathy reign, when the average person tries to be selective in the information on which it is concentrated. We have the biological material to feel what the other person feels, but we must be open to experiences.
Recognition of the feelings of others requires a particular kind of honesty with ourselves. Not everyone has a sense of empathy developed. Those who have it, have a special place in society as Empaths. The most valuable type of empathic archetypes is known as Heyoka.
Term Native Americans, the Heyokas are living emotional mirrors for those around them. The term means "sacred clown" or "mad". They reveal our shortcomings and weaknesses. They show us our faults and add a way to develop these flaws.
This disruption in our spiritual status quo should never be considered a bad thing. He only wants to help those around him. If you let a Heyoka feel angry and angry about a negative aspect of his personality (such as their arrogance), realize that it upsets you because it highlights this appearance in you.
Maybe you leave a Heyoka filled with a feeling of love. He may be trying to convey to you the importance of self-love and acceptance. This "mirroring" is not always a conscious decision, but it remains a constant theme in your interactions with it. He tries to teach you to open your eyes somehow.
This constant unpredictable behavior can invade you. It seems to know what bothers you even when you do not know it. It can not let you blind yourself in your pain so it will provide you with clues without fail.
Do not run away from the experience or reject it. He only wants to help and your grief truly hurts him as well. Your friend Heyoka disturbs you because of his cruel expression of humor.
Instead of getting upset about it, pay attention to how you express your own mood and how it affects others. You probably do the same thing as the Heyoka but in spontaneously.