I got a visit from a friend, she has everything just one thing and it is the one she wants the most “the freedom” as it is for some people including myself, honestly, the freedom is our key for happiness.
Being self-independent in your life, your decisions, your desires, being able to plan for what is next, confidently, set the mind’s energy free to express, to choose, to develop or even to make tonnes of mistakes and learn and stand up again more aware about “how can I make my life better from now on”
This is ??, what some people want…
They have more potential than they may expect but
Restrictions, pressure or if I can call it emotional pressure from family members most of time or a partner.
What was my advice to my friend?
It is not that you suffer from a total pressure from your family, then you have to see all dark, you stop thinking, dreaming, or believing in yourself.
For example, if you are inside the sea, you aren't seeing anything, you sure have choices first one, is to die with or without an incoming storm.
Second, to say okay maybe I will die but I will keep swimming who knows maybe I may change my fate, for example, someone will come and save me, let’s just try!
Third, I will not die, I will not die, I will not die, I will get out of here I will swim, and even if it happens for me to fly, I will fly! I will find solutions and this is what it will happen no matter what !!!
This is a strong will, you see clearly your fate, they call it unknown fate but you are seeing it because you are the one making it because simply it is yours.
In brief, sit down with yourself and think carefully and remember that you have the full right to CHOOSE: choose how your tomorrow should be!