You are a spark of light, a pure fragment of life, of the Source. You have traveled a long journey since your birth as a soul ... You have traveled on several worlds, several dimensions ... On each journey, you have experienced yourself on a scale of time and space.
You have defined yourself, you have created yourself. You needed a frame, a receptacle to limit yourself and experience being One. Imagine an ocean of pure light, you need a container to harvest a part of it. Such a drop makes you one with the ocean and you are at the same time separate.
The separation of the Source (Ocean) allows you to experience being the Source that is created, invented and lives at every moment. Your experience is that of the life energy that unfolds, manifests itself, expands. You are pure celestial energies and you have chosen to embody humanity to live a great adventure, your own creation.
To help you imagine a very vast concept, imagine that this Ocean, your soul. And to contain your soul this drop on a physical plane needs your body like a glass. Your soul, which is pure energy, experiences itself by creating a divine plan and chooses to incarnate on Earth by imbibing human consciousness.
She clothed herself with the terrestrial vibration and the veil of forgetfulness rises upon her. But in order for this experience to be a new and evolving adventure, she chooses her own challenges and what she wants to live in each incarnation. The soul does not start from scratch at each incarnation, for by choosing the moment of its arrival on Earth and choosing the family, the country predefined the experience that it will live.
You will discover that you have premeditated your experience, you have laid the framework to live your experience, here is how:
The first determining factor is sex, woman or man, the soul will experience a different experience between Yin and Yang energy. Between the education, she will receive if she is a little girl or a little boy this one will be different. Then, the collective memory of the woman or the man that it will integrate into the form of egregores.
Then by choosing the family, his parents, his siblings, the soul will choose in which environment it will grow and at the same time soak up the energetic memory of the family, the ancestors, the father, the mother. She will carry the memories of her maternal and paternal lineage.
Then the time and date of birth will bring it the vibration of the Cosmos, from the positions of the planets and the stars, the soul chooses its personality, its character, its tastes, its talents, its defects etc ... The astrological theme, be it western, karmic, Maya, Vedic you discover the choices of your soul ...
The country will also be determined by its collective energy, its manners, its geographical location, its economic situation ... The history of the tribe or the origin of its family in the world or in its country, 'Incarnates as an Indian, Asian, African, European etc also creates an egregore to which it will be attached.
As you can see, parent education and early childhood experiences are only a logical and premeditated step in a very broad plan. The soul has chosen in the smallest detail the context of its experience, the energy vibration that will envelop it in order to perfect its evolution.
Everything is energy, the memories of your past lives, those of your family, your country, the woman or the man from egregors that are impregnated in your physical and energetic body. The encounters and events that mark your life are the results of the vibration of your soul which attracts by attraction and repulsion the experiences that will make it evolve and come closer and closer to its source.
We also have agreements and premeditated encounters between souls. There is always a prior agreement between the parents and the arrival of another soul on Earth. Each of these souls carries a high purpose by sharing their experiences whether positive or negative. Because they serve each of them to live what they need.
When you were born as a soul, you experienced a multitude of life forms. Through your vibrations and aspirations, you have chosen to create alliances and unite your quest with other souls that match or complement you. By serving a high purpose in common, you have created families of souls.
Members of this same family of souls may wish to incarnate together in the same family or to foresee their encounter in order to help each other ... They are called the soul mates, whether they are incarnated together or not, Help each other through their love and their reliance.
Every soul you will encounter during your life will play a role and it has been planned between your two souls, it is a very difficult notion to grasp in difficult and destructive relationships. Yet they are as necessary and important as your harmonious and nourishing relationships. Because they are there to reveal the areas of shadows you hide in yourselves ...
Plus, you go through your vibrations always attracted the same type of people by asking you how is this possible? Because these people allow you to experience on which your soul has chosen to work. Once you have realized and integrated this experience you will not attract this type of people in your field of life.
Many people find life difficult, feel vulnerable and weary, wonder how they could choose this plan of incarnation ... I will tell you, deep inside your soul when it was still bathed, embraced and united in The source, she had a draw.
She felt called to live a fabulous experience, to forget her divine nature in order to live it, to give birth to her ... At the same time, she discovered the tremendous stake of joining other souls to live a rise of consciousness. Bringing your own light to a planet, a world in the making ...
Without realizing it, your life is the result of your soul's aspiration to experience being One, to be the Life and Source that is created perpetually. She plunged into this adventure with love to respond to this aspiration and participate in the deployment of the desire of the Source to reinvent itself to infinity ...
It is a call of life, in all its splendor that you have chosen, you have covered yourself with shadows by choosing to embody you and lives in lives, you drop such shadows to reveal the soul that you are. When you experience a difficulty, a hardship or anything hard and painful, know that behind it is your soul that calls you to more light, more freedom.
Today, the vibrations of the cosmos, of your planet are rising. You have chosen to embody yourself in this life, for we are at a tipping point. Your world is changing, the human conscience on this planet is ready to live a rebirth and leave commands to your soul.
As with an eclipse, you are all confronted with the shadow before the emergence of a new light. You are all reborn to a new era and being. Listen to your aspirations, trust in what you live because everything is orchestrated by your soul and your divine plan.
A certain chaos reigns around you and within you, it is the life force that takes its place, overflows, forces and draws from its destructive energies to create renewal. These are the veils that your soul chooses to cover themselves that are disappearing little by little ... Like a raging sea, you may feel lost and tossed about without knowing where you go and whether you will survive ...
I reply that YES you will survive, you will reborn and discover a world of peace and joy. For it is your world, your essence, and it has never left you. You are experiencing the disappearance of an old world, an old you and it generates fear, many fears ...
You can not go wrong, miss or fall ... Your soul has made this whole journey to arrive at that precise moment. You are all in the process of lifting the veil, of traversing the vibration that it has chosen to bear in order to reveal the Source of who you are ... You are pacifying yourself, all the parts that compose you go back to your consciousness to be enlightened Of your conscience.
You are all alchemists, you plunge into your shadows, into your wounds in order to transform them, transmute them into gold. You are this treasure, this jewel that your soul carries. We have reached this golden age, this new Earth, all your incarnations have brought you at this precise moment.
Accept this inner and outer chaos, you are divinely guided, you just have to ask yourself and let the alchemist make you within you. Trust and Reception. Your soul is transformed and you will discover a space inside you that emanates a peace, a serenity and that will radiate throughout your life. This space is who you are and no external circumstance will affect it.