Use the Feng shui 10 tips to revive your life at home.

Use the Feng shui 10 tips to revive your life at home.
The Feng Shui is “A Chinese art which aims to harmonize the environmental energy” for a better life, simply. These are the 10 tips for a positive life.
  1. Get rid of the superfluous
    The Feng shui is above all the circulation of energy, the flow, the current. By disencumbering your apartment, throwing, storing, storing the superfluous (and not leaving clothes everywhere), you will already harmonize your place of life. Starting with the room is crucial.
2. Take special care of the entrance hall. The entrance to your place must be the object of special attention, not only in the apartment but also outside. No dead plants, no umbrellas lying on the landing etc. The disorder is the enemy of Fen Shui. Do everything to make your arrival in your home welcoming.

3. All your doors must open without effort
Negative energies spread in a home at the slightest bit of annoyance, the one seen and experienced every day without remedying it. Doors that jam, block, and close are all part of it, but you can also talk about the leaking flush or the cracked tile. Do yourself a favor and take care of these little things quickly.
4. Never place yourself in a vulnerable position in the living room …
Your sofa or armchair should not turn your back to the front door in the room. If possible, try to see from your sofa all access to the room. So your energy does not scatter (in clear, you do not seek to know who can enter or leave).

5. Choose well your place in the room
This notion of “vulnerable position” also applies to the room. Your headboard should not be glued to the wall of the front door. On the contrary, managed to see the door once lying, without placing the bed directly in the continuity of the entrance. It is a bit complex but if we believe our sources, the placement of the bed is paramount. Also, avoid sleeping on the floor.
6. Place the furniture wisely
The game is that normally you can walk your eyes closed in your apartment without taking you from the corner of table, furniture or walls. Everything must circulate, everything must be fluid. It is said that if done badly, this can have consequences on your health, your career and even your romantic relationships.
7. Attention to the choice of colors
Should not be a genius either to find this one but avoid the bright colors in your room, fluorescent or other colors too flashy. Pastel colors, simple colors and relaxing, is what advocates of Feng shui.
8. Do not put mirrors in the room
If mirrors are recommended throughout your apartment, you should avoid placing them in the room (especially if the bed is reflected there when you are lying), as well as facing the Door, so that the positive energy entering the apartment emerges immediately.
9. Install a fountain
As for mirrors, it is advisable to place water (Air and Water), especially in the living room with a small fountain for example. Especially not in the room. Relaxation, harmony, everything will come from the fountain and the running water.
10. Go through your entire apartment at least once a day
It seems that in order to circulate the “chi” and to avoid knots of negative energy in your home, it is necessary to make the tour completely and to visit each piece daily.

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