Life is like a box. When you do something good, you put a good thing in the box. When you do something wrong, you put a bad thing in the box. The same goes for neutral things. Karma is the strength of the Universe that treats things from the box. Thus, the more you put good things in the box, the more Karma will treat the good things of the box.
Karma is a complex thing that reacts according to our actions. Here are 8 Karma laws. If you take them to heart, they will profoundly change your life.
1. The law of humility.
The law of humility says that you will never change anything if you refuse to accept it. If we see our competitor as our enemy, then we are simply not concentrating on a higher level of existence and we will not make any significant progress.
2. The law of creation.
The law of creation affirms that life does not just happen, you must participate in it. What surrounds us gives us clues about our inner state. We are really the universe. Remember that you must be yourself and surround yourself with what you want in life.
3. The Law of Growth
The law of growth says that if you want to develop your mind, you need to change, not people and things around you. If you want to grow your mind, it’s inside of you, not outside. When we change our heart, we change our world.
4. The law of responsibility
The law of responsibility says that there is something wrong with your life, in fact, there is something wrong with you. What surrounds us reflects us, and we reflect what surrounds us. So in the end, for things to change, you have to change. Logic, right? You must take your responsibilities.
5. The law of connection.
The law of connection confirms that even if two things do not seem connected, they are. Everything is connected in the universe. The left foot that climbs a step is connected to the right foot which will go up the next step. The past, the present the future are also all connected.
6. The law of gift.
The law of gift shows that in life when you give, you receive. If you do not give anything in this world, if you keep your arms crossed and your doors locked, the doors you want to unlock will never unlock. If you want an open, free and beautiful world, you must give yourself the means to make it happen.
7. The law of concentration.
The law of concentration says you can not think of two things at once. Indeed, science confirms it, noting that you can think of only one thing and a half at a time. This is what allows us to dialogue. You listen to what the person thinks, then half of your thinking is what you think when they talk. It makes sense to spend some time thinking before speaking, right?
8. The law of presence.
The law of presence asserts that while it is important to look to the past to understand where we are going, it is also important to exist in the present and not be too preoccupied with the future.