The 6 Tips for a happy mind

The 6 Tips for a happy mind

1. Think happy
Happiness is a feeling, and feelings are created by thoughts. You have total control of how you feel by choosing the right thoughts – it’s about choosing thoughts that create ‘happy’ if you like. Look for the positive, look for evidence to prove the positive, and challenge your mind. Your thoughts are the key to creating happiness.

2. Do something you love every day
Even if it’s something small. If you love a hot bath with candles, or a good movie then GO DO IT. Give to yourself that time and this instantly releases the happy.

3. Move
Exercise is a great way to get an instant happy hit, as your body releases endorphins, the happy hormone. Add a dash of music for an even better hit. Alternatively, connect with yourself using yoga or Pilates; slow it down and go ‘inwards’ as that total connection always promotes calm and happiness. Remember, your mind, body, and soul are all connected.

4. Surround yourself with good people
Having really great friends and people that you totally trust and rely on surrounding you naturally boosts happiness. Happiness attracts happiness so keep yourself around people that share the happy, not those that make you feel drained with their negativity.

5. Stop self-judgement
The quickest way to remove your happy is with self-judgment. STOP BEING MEAN TO YOURSELF and start being kind, because a lot gets done when you’re kind to yourself.

6. Know that you are the master of your own happiness
Realizing you are in control of your ‘happy’ factor should make you feel better in itself. Knowing that no one else is the master of your happiness but you is an amazing way to live your life. No one can ever steal your happiness.

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