5 Simple Principles to Generate Chance and Force Destiny
To be lucky is not only the result of chance, but an exercise that tends to provoke it to bring it into your life. Beyond all the traditional rites of bringing you luck and happiness in your life, there are other concrete ways that will help you become a lot more fortunate.
The utility? To be lucky goes much further than the simple thought of something falling on your head like a blessing. Managing your luck is also about managing your life, your opportunities and your choices. It's becoming more positive, to provoke things that are just as good.
I propose you 5 keys so that you can bring luck in your life.

1. Get out of your comfort zone
It is imperative that you break all the automatisms that you have, which causes laziness and other habits that put a brake on your progress. Sometimes, and even very often, you will have to accept the change and thus take risks at the same time. The new is essential to provoke your lucky star, otherwise you risk to stay in your usual routine which until then did not bring you since the objective is to change it.

2. Watch your luck
Seeing your luck is like using your imagination to know what you want, when you want it and how you want it to happen. Visualization is the first part of fulfilling your dreams and at the same time provoking your luck. You need to have a specific goal and do everything to make it happen. And by imagining it, you will have much more capacity to seize the opportunities that are offered to you. Do not let any of them pass, maybe they will not show up again.

3. Believe in your luck
The second step is none other than the belief in your future, in your person and in your projects. You will then release all the positive waves necessary to provoke your luck which will allow the realization of your objectives. Be fully convinced by your lucky star by not doubting at any time neither of it nor of your person. You will fail, so accept and be ready to receive this failure, to better reveal yourself. But be confident, and have the maximum assurance in you.

4. Increase your activity
There is no secret, without work there is no result. You will have to be proactive, and never stop working to achieve a final result. It is obvious that you will have to give yourself moments of breaks and respite to think about you, but do not forget that your goals and your luck are part of you, so if you want the one to accompany you throughout your life, you will have to work hard for. Be fully determined. Never let go. And continue to persevere every day a little more. Work is proportional to luck. The more you work, the more it will grow.
5. Be positive
Your positivity, your good mood, your smile and the belief in your luck are the essence of it. If you are negative and influenced by the harmful waves of others, your luck will never see the light of day. Remains enthusiastic, taking the tests as a blessing that means nothing other than "this time it's missed, the next is the good! We leave again more beautiful! Do not forget to surround yourself with the right people. Finally you will have to accept the fact that at times you will be dealing with bad luck, but that it is only short and essential to your progress.