Stress and exhaustion have become a way of life for many people. You must understand that you have control over what stresses you and that you can handle that stress so that you keep your physical and mental health intact.
Stress is often created by our habits and thoughts about things that happen, how we manage them. By reacting differently, one can reduce one’s stress.
If you want to be calm and relaxed, whether for exams or for your everyday life, here are 7 ways to deal with stress on a daily basis:
1. Be organized.
Whatever you need to achieve, for that you need some things, information, partners, funds etc., it can be really stressful, so plan an action plan to control your stress and your project.
2. Make a list of what you want to accomplish
Then decide what is most important in this list. When done, do the most important task first, the others will look much simpler then.
3. Master interruptions.
If you are working on a project or important assignment, being bothered every 15 minutes can quickly annoy you and therefore stress you, prepare your work time in advance and make sure not to be interrupted.

4. Have realistic expectations of yourself and others.
Nobody is Superman. Even working effectively, you will not complete three days of work in one afternoon. Do not wait until the last minute to get to work, do not wait to be overwhelmed, it’s useless stress.
5. Take regular breaks several times a day.
It will relax your body and mind for a few minutes, it will give him the rest he needs, take advantage of it to do something you love to do, not something you have to do.
6. Find time to play sports.
Playing sports frees the tension of the body and soothes the mind, it is one of the simplest and most effective ways to manage stress.
7. Relax yourself
When you have finished your day, take some time to relax. Find activities that appeal to you and it will reduce your stress.
Stress is a part of life, events can stress you, but there are ways to manage stress to prevent it from getting the best of you. These stress management techniques allow you to better manage your daily stress.