Month January 2019

What is LOVE?

What love are we talking about? We say that we “love” chicken – and we devour it (this one would prefer not to be loved in this way!). But it is also said that the mother loves her child ..…

How do you know if you are really in love?

It is often said that it is difficult to distinguish between love and desire. What do you think are the signs that do not deceive? The amorous state is translated first by an obsession. The other invades our thoughts until…

How to start a conversation with a girl

How to start a conversation with a girl: what to say according to the different scenarios. Today, we will see together how to start a conversation with a girl, according to the different cases. talk to a woman To go…

The power of the contextual opener

The power of the contextual opener Many seducers and effective seductive apprentices stupidly learn phrases of ready-made approaches … … that they use on every girl they want to seduce. I am not against it, especially when there is a…

What mental strategy to forget your ex?

Who struggle to forget the one who broke their hearts: American researchers have found the most effective method to forget his ex. Not always easy to mourn love. Fortunately, a team of scientists from the University of Missouri-Saint-Louis looked at…

How to change your destiny

Is it possible to change your destiny? Sure, it is by exercising your free will, you can change your destiny as you wish, rotate it in any direction, 360 degrees. But you can only do this if you know exactly…

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