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According to the dictionary, Destiny and free will are quite the opposite of each other. |
Free will is a free will, without constraints, having the power to decide, to act as it pleases.
Which of the two directs the human? Some believe it’s fate and others, free will. Both are true. According to my research and observations, I have concluded that we all have a destiny and free will.
At the material level, that is to say at the physical, emotional and mental levels, free will exists. At the spiritual level, it does not exist. At the material level, humans have the opportunity to experience all the experiences they want, as long as they want. While at the spiritual level, there is only one possibility: to find one’s way to the Source of all light.

We are all manifestations of God, beings of light, come to live experiences in the matter. But having gone down too much in the matter, we forgot who we really were.
Some great experiences in our life have been decided before being born and can be considered as destiny. In reality, these experiences are chosen by the soul for the sole purpose of returning to the light, to love. The soul knows before birth that it needs certain experiences to reconnect with love and to see God more in himself and in those around him.

Some experiences will have to happen to us, whatever we say, do or want. What no one knows in advance is how it will react to these experiences. According to divine laws, it is love that must govern human behavior.
When the human being reacts by choosing love and forgiveness rather than resentment and hatred, the unpleasant but unpleasant experiences are easier to live with. When he resists, these same experiences will be even more difficult because in resisting, he tries to escape his destiny. This attempt is futile because
Take the example of a person who chooses to have a big body before being born to learn to love an obese person in order to realize that God is as much alive in fat people as small! To do this, she will choose a parent who will be obese or who will constantly control not to be. So it’s a parent who also needs to learn to accept fat people. If that person does not judge his parent and come to love him unconditionally, she can be very happy, even if she herself has a larger body than average. She will know that what makes her evolve is not the size of her body but rather the love she will bring to this body.
Unfortunately, the person who gains weight has a lot of difficulty accepting himself, and his entourage does not accept it anymore. He suggests all kinds of ways to lose weight that she tries without permanent result. Or she resists others who want to change her because she knows deep down that she is here to learn to accept herself and others just reflect her own non-acceptance.

The fact of not being accepted therefore influences the type of people we meet, our choice of career and can also lead us to develop certain diseases.
In this example, since the decision to live with excess weight according to human standards was made before birth, this decision determines one’s destiny. However, this person has the opportunity to accept it or not after birth. This is his free will. Throughout the various experiences she experiences, this person always has the opportunity to change the perception she has of a fat person, if that is her choice. She can continue to say all her life: “I have a weight problem” or decide, “I’m a big fat person, so I’m going to dress up and act like someone who is beautiful”.
Now take the example of a man who goes bankrupt. This bankruptcy is part of his life plan, his destiny. Following this bankruptcy, he can choose to accept himself and accept the situation to come out stronger by learning from this experience.
He can also use his free will to choose to blame life, some of the people involved, the economy, himself and never accept the situation. It will thus provoke a whole series of subsequent experiences that were not foreseen in his destiny, such as a depression, a separation, no longer daring to undertake anything, constantly criticizing himself, not finding himself another. interesting work, some diseases, etc.
It is said that free will is the greatest gift that humans have received because no other form of life on Earth has this power. But it is also the worst gift since the vast majority do not use it to choose harmony, compassion, forgiveness, tolerance of differences, etc.
Those who think they are very free and make all sorts of decisions that are contrary to love play a very bad trick. All sorts of incidents happen to them to bring them back to the path of love, of light. Their inner God incites them constantly whether they are aware of it or not. Nobody can be happy with a choice that takes him away from God. As everyone aspires for happiness, we are constantly experiencing experiences to bring us back when we often use his free will to become the slave of his senses, his emotions, his desires, the money or his ego with all his erroneous beliefs. It is high time to realize that the freedom of the material plane is not true freedom.

I strongly suggest that you use your free will to practice becoming free, that is, not depending on: