Most married couples have a tight schedule. Work, children, housework, sports activities, family outings ... all this must be part of the program of the week. Suddenly, they can not spend time together. What these couples forget is that love is the basis or rather the foundation of their union. If it dies out, the marriage is destroyed. How to prevent this? Follow the tips!

Give great importance to the time spent in love
Spending time in love is the best way to build a healthy relationship especially when you're married for years. Couples need to be aware of it and really feel the need to be alone. One evening a week is enough.
Just hire a baby sitter or ask Grandma to keep the kids and go! Otherwise, find a compromise to a couple in your entourage, people you trust. You give them your children an evening and in return, you must keep theirs next time.
It is very important that you are both alone. If not, it is not a romantic outing. Thus, there is no question of inviting other couples to join you. If for some reason evening out is not possible, you can always have breakfast or lunch outside.

Plan for the romantic outings
Indeed, it is essential to schedule the time to spend in love. If possible, a weekly outing and a romantic getaway once a quarter would be ideal. You have to take advantage of these moments to discuss everything and nothing, have fun, laugh and especially talk about the future and your goals.
If the idea of starting a whole weekend as a couple does not suit you, it does not matter! You can always escape together for a day. If this is still not possible, an evening alone in the living room, after the children are asleep, would be perfect. In other words, just think creatively to find the right timing. You can go to the cinema, the ice rink (a very romantic place), go to play slots at night ... in short, as you can see the possibilities are great.
Focus on an activity conducive to discussion
As soon as we talk about romantic outings, couples have only one idea: find a fun activity to do. But that's not the point. It is more important to spend time talking quietly and telling each other your desires, dreams or worries. It must be a rewarding moment that will strengthen your bond.
When choosing romantic activities, it is better to opt for a hike or a walk in the nature. Evenings at the cinema or bar are to be avoided. You can do all this with children or during outings with friends. In addition, we must consider the outputs as dates, just remember your first meetings and revive the flame. Finally, do not forget to make love! A healthy sex life optimizes the strength of a couple.