How to change the course of your destiny
Too many people still think that they were not born under a lucky star or rather that they were not "elected" to be part of those who succeed and that only a "paranormal" thing could save their lives.
Clearly, an incalculable number of people have a belief rooted in the head for years: " I have no luck ... the success is not for me ... I was born to fail ... It's my destiny, that want you? " This is also what can be called condition.
We have been conditioned since childhood that destiny is inevitable. In other words, it has been attributed to us and we can never escape it. If it turns out cool, everything is fine, but if it takes an unpleasant turn, automatically, what is it? And although in any case, since it is our destiny, we can do nothing but suffer it.
On the other hand, when you think about it, the fact of "knowing" in advance, deep inside us, it reassures.
So why are there so many gaps between individuals? Why can life be so easy for some and a daily struggle for others?
Just imagine that you can trace your destiny as you see fit and that you can create your own success, reach your future goals "fingers in the nose", to get everything you want, it would be really fun right?
However, it's not at all like this: we swallow the tests one behind the other, we fight to get out the head of the water, it's a hassle to finish the end of the month by saying that we will never get out of it ... ..! It's just a statement. But a fair finding.
So, did you ever wonder why you were convinced that it was "normal" to live like this? Have you ever wondered who was the one who prevented you from choosing a different destiny than yours?
If so, what was your answer? Something like: "Can I do anything, life is like this"?
We are convinced that destiny can not be changed, that if we are destined to live like a rag, it is so, we have no choice! And the person who helps you to keep this thought is YOU!
We all have the choice to change paths, to make new decisions, to have new habits and therefore to have the right to succeed. The difference between those who succeed and others is the love of comfort. I do not speak obviously of material comfort but of safe comfort.

By doing a long search for the type of people around me, near and far, I found 3 types of personalities:
The RESIGNES: those who are convinced that their fate is written and which capitulated from the beginning. They suffer because it's "like that". The resigned are comfortable in a painful life but they are used to (because they know it), and do not see the interest to leave their comfort zone since in any case, everything is already traced. Therefore, they choose not to confront the fear, the unknown, and suffer. It's fate …
THE ILLUSIONISTS: they are those who wear the mask of fallen happiness on their faces and are comfortable in the illusion . Whatever happens, they pretend to be always happy, while inside, the pain gnaws at them. They lie on many things, trying to convince themselves that there is worse ... .I invite you to immediately test to persuade you that you are happy. If this is not the case, you will immediately have in mind what prevents you from being. Forcing yourself to be happy is like forcing yourself to love someone, it's impossible.
RESILIENTS: those who do not believe for a moment that one has to live a mediocre life. They became aware of their painful experiences of the past, accepted them as life challenges and gave themselves the necessary means to progress and move forward positively. They are comfortable in success.
I can tell you without any shame that I was part of the first two cases for a very long time. And to admit it, no longer to lie, it is already out of his comfort zone. To put words on evils to become aware of a situation is personal development . It is a work on Self, like an introspection that brings out evil from within.
I will not hide the fact that yes, it is difficult, yes, it is painful, yes, it takes time and finally, yes, some people will like you less or more at all. Of course, when you swim in the negative, you are always more interesting for yourself and for others. We suffer, we complain, we victimize ourselves, we seek attention, we want to be loved. Then the others do not risk anything as long as you are below them ... it reassures them!
But when you start doing the unthinkable for those around you, that you " get out of the box " by daring to be, say, do ... There, it feels the danger, you become a "threat"! You who were all wise, all quiet in your corner, you start to dare to take action, change habits, make decisions? You will do what no one around you has had the courage to do, choose to change your life! So yes, of course, it is normal for others to feel threatened and disturbed! ...
In fact, it's just that you send them an image of them that they do not like, you're unwittingly telling them that they do not have your audacity or your courage ... That you are hardworking, persevering, and have chosen to succeed . Believe me, even though the pill often has a hard time going through these moments, it's not because of a lack of love for you that we are telling you that, it's because people do not have the same design and perception of life as you !!! A resigned or illusionist can never push you in the right direction! So now, do you understand why, when you want to undertake something, you sometimes have as an answer " Are you crazy or what ? It's anything! You dream ? Who did you think you were? You'll never have enough money! You know nobody! You have no piston ... " The list of negative reviews could be long! You do not just look the same way as others about fate. On your destiny.
So how to change one's destiny?
Start by detecting what type of personality you are part of (resigned, illusionist or resilient); Resilients are already in a personal growth system and are looking for the best for them, step by step. As for the resigned and illusionists, know no, it's not your destiny to suffer your life, you have before you a boulevard filled with opportunities and your job is to open your eyes to this which is offered to you.
Take control of your life , becoming responsible for it, understanding that you are free of your choices, that life does not impose on you what you do not want ... It proposes, you have. If she challenges you on something that does not suit you, you are free to not accept it.
Accept that everyone can not see the same goals as yours , and do not wait for the permanent endorsement of those around you to validate your ideas.
Dare to step out of your comfort zone.