How to earn respect from others: 10 ways to be respected by others
Here are some tips to gain respect from others. Indeed, respect is an important element for self-esteem and self-confidence. But lack of self-confidence leads to too much respect for others. While the attitudes advised here bring respect for others and at the same time improve self-image, and therefore self-confidence.
Age is neither a prerequisite nor a magic key to gain respect. Although respect for seniors is important. I met young people who are highly respected by their elders, as well as elderly people who are not very respectable because of unbecoming behavior.
Respect is more about behavior and attitudes toward others and your actions.
It does not matter whether you are a teenager, a student, a new member or a beginner. You can be respected by others.
Let's discover how to be respected by others. In 10 honorable councils.

Respect others
Respect works in both directions ...
Even if you feel that others are disrespectful to you, this is not a reason for disrespecting them in return. Or to show disrespect to others.
Start by showing a minimum of respect first.
If you have never met someone you disrespect, I invite you to think of someone you are not respectful of right now. There is a good chance that you will find at least one person ... Rather than focusing on the lack of respect for others towards you, work to be respectful with those whom you treat poorly. This will help you to have better relationships and exchanges in your relationships with others.
For example, whenever someone is rude to me, I think about how bad I was with someone and how to fix that. My relationships feel better :-)
Treat yourself with respect
It's funny how many seek respect from others without respecting themselves ...
Before seeking respect from others, respect yourself as you should. And treat yourself with attention and respect.
Have you ever treated yourself badly before? Do you love yourself completely and unconditionally? Do you offer what you need: enough sleep, healthy eating, exercise, rest, reading, hobbies and hobbies, ...? Moments for you?
If you do not respect yourself, you can not hope to gain the respect of others. Start by loving yourself. The love of others will come later.
Do not meditate
Whether in a professional or social setting, meditating is never appropriate.
And you will certainly not gain the respect of others in this way. You may feel like you're part of a band if your relationships do the same. But is there no more interesting and rewarding activity? ...
If you are not happy with someone, what he or she did or said, talk to him or her. Do not talk behind your back. Because it's the kind of behavior that attracts gossip and negativity. Not only does it hurt the other party, whether you realize it or not (maybe even the goal!), But it also hurts your reputation.
If you find yourself in a conversation where gossip and gossip are going well, go back and participate. The ideal is even to leave the premises but it is still not possible. Also, do not peddle yourself what you may have heard at that time.
Be honest and transparent in your communications.

Be good at what you do
At work, and even elsewhere, the most reputable people are the ones who are the best in their field. Whatever. Everyone appreciates competent and reliable people.
If you are a beginner in your game, it does not mean that you are not worthy of respect. It's about starting small and building from there. And it will bring you respect if you are efficient and reliable.
Do not let bad reviews or failures stop you. I know, it's not easy when you lack self-confidence :-) Take part, learn, ask questions, practice diligently, involvement and regularity.
It is through the experience and constant improvement that you will establish as a good, if not the best, and gain the respect of others. It does not happen overnight. But by then, people will have respect for work.
Honor what you say
Nobody likes dishonest or unreliable people.
A respected person is above all honest in their relationships and communications, and reliable to do what they are committed to doing. I believe that integrity is one of the greatest human values, and the first step of that to work.
Always make sure to respect and honor your commitments, or even to do better than promised. And if, for whatever reason, you can not, make sure you do the right thing and treat the problem as it should and for the better of the other party.
There you will be irreproachable. And you will gain the respect of others.
Do you behave properly
Well ... It will not improve the eyes of others and their respect. But to behave exactly the opposite will bring the wrath of your relationships and isolate you very surely.
This includes being well dressed and well behaved, using appropriate language and respecting a minimum of social etiquette. Saying "hello" on arrival and "goodbye" on leaving is always appreciated, as is an honest "thank you" wisely.

Be open to criticism
Contrary to what one might think, being respected does not mean being unworthy of criticism.
In fact, being respected is more than just how you react to criticism.
You will inevitably receive reviews. And even more so if you are known, even on a relative scale. It is not a question of rejecting criticisms, but of being able to manage them gracefully. People respect the one who is able to handle a negative reaction and turn it into something positive. Accept for what they are (a contrary opinion to yours on a fact or an element from which you can benefit), and do not refuse them for what they are not (a sanction or a sentence of your person).
Be yourself
Assert yourself! It's better to be an original version of yourself than the exact replica of someone else :-) Especially if the reason is to please the greatest number.
Of course, if you are too original or eccentric, others will look at you strangely. But those who show originality and affirm their style attract respect.
Too many people try to be someone else. And in the end, they do not really have their own identity. Find out who you are and what you represent. And be it
The world needs more people who are true to themselves, and not clones of each other.
Stand up for what you believe
Have you ever met people who simply agree with everything others say?
Me, I met some of them. In fact, these people are boring: chatting with them is useless because they just always agree and have no clear opinion. I have more respect for someone who does not agree and who says it (courteously :-)), that someone who is only a parrot.
In the same way, it is by having your own opinion and a critical spirit that you will be able to deserve the respect of the others. Do not be afraid to give your own and defend what you believe in. But make sure you do it in a respectful way.
Be an example
OK, the bar seems to be a bit high. For all that ...
Actions speak far more than words. Be a model by your actions. Apply the few recommendations listed above, be honest and honest.
Do not run after respect. You will gain by preaching by example. The most respected person is the one who inspires others.