Many imagine that they can be happy all the time.
But it's like wanting the sun to shine constantly. Even if we can believe strongly, one day or another we are confronted with the harsh reality of life, it starts to rain. Hope to be a happy day forever, you will suffer as soon as your morale is not good. It must be realized that happiness is only small ephemeral moments during which all the ideal conditions are met.
In general, the rest of the time, we are not happy, but rather satisfied or dissatisfied with life. It is therefore important to understand that finding happiness can not be an end.

We can not magically create the feeling of happiness.
Two views are to be taken into account in the definition of happiness. Happiness itself and values. Happiness is a feeling, whereas values are principles that we find important in life. This is why everyone reacts differently to the events of life. Various studies have shown that, at the end of their lives, people regret above all that they have not lived according to their own values. How many, have stayed in a company for years even though deep inside of them that was out of step with their own worth? They are legions, ask the question around you and you will see.
So we can build a life in accordance with our values and that is quite possible. This is where true happiness lies. Because when we agree with our values, we feel irreparably happy.