How to manage your daily stress
Whatever the reasons for your stress, you have to react quickly and adopt everyday tricks to live more calmly and regain control of yourself.
The "positive attitude"
As a first step, you must identify the source of stress and ask yourself if your reaction is appropriate to the situation or if it is exaggerated. We often make ourselves a mountain of a nothing in a negative impetus. The best is to be positive and not to be overwhelmed by facing the task assigned to you. Do not Dramatize and make the difference between serious problems and everyday worries. By being optimistic, you will be in possession of all your means to face your daily missions.
Get organized
Even if life is unforeseen, put the odds on your side to avoid the "last minute stress". Good time management will only be beneficial. Make a clear note of all the important things to do in an agenda, make daily lists in order of importance and block tasks as you go, it gives the impression of moving forward and not forgetting anything.

Relieve tension, decompress and indulge yourself above all else!
Are you exhausted? Do not be overwhelmed by tensions, free yourself and express your feelings, whether positive or negative. Spare yourself moments of relaxation to forget your worries by making you happy: read a good book, listen to a music that you like, take a hot bath, indulge in cocooning, go shopping ... And laugh! So many activities that allow to empty and take a step back on the contrarieties.
Simple methods to relax and let go
The easiest way to fight stress is to breathe well. Abdominal breathing is the basis of all relaxation (yoga, sophrology ...). Just breathe deeply by inflating the belly, the ribcage and shoulders go up at the same time, then slowly exhale through your mouth. Imagine being inspired with energy and calm and expelling tensions and negative thoughts. Yoga, in particular, teaches you how to breathe and regenerate from postures, rules and basic principles of healthy living.
Treat yourself gently
Alternative medicine is also a very good natural way of effectively limiting stress in everyday life. Homeopathy proves to be an excellent alternative to taking psychotropic medications. Because "homeopathy allows a better adaptation to stress without depriving the student of the momentum it provides. It makes the body react, helping it to tap into its most intimate resources. " Homeopathy also has the advantage of not causing addiction or drowsiness. Each reaction to stress (memory, phobia, insomnia ...) can have a homeopathic response, but it acts as a preventive measure. Do not wait to be stressed to consult, anticipate if you know your tendencies to react with stress!

A healthy lifestyle is essential
Moreover, managing stress also means living a healthy life. The diet must be balanced: we can never say enough, we must consume at least 4 fruits and vegetables, drink 1.5 L of water per day and do not skip meals to cover all energy expenditure (a woman should consume an average of 2,000 to 2,500 calories / day and for a man from 2,500 to 3,000 calories / day). During periods of intense stress, magnesium reserves are depleted and we become nervous and irritable. However, it is essential for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system and the recommended daily intake is 500 mg. It is found in wholegrain bread, cereals, dark chocolate, bananas, dried fruits (almonds, hazelnuts ..), pulses ... It is advisable to avoid the excitants such as tobacco, alcohol , tea, coffee and the excess of sugars that, even if they have a comforting and stimulating side, only turn you into an infernal ball of nerves.
A little sport to work out
To relieve stress, nothing better than playing sports. It allows you to channel your energy, to think of something else and to focus on your body. After a workout, you will feel relaxed with endorphins (pleasure hormones) released during exercise. You can practice any sport, knowing that the most common disciplines and the simplest to practice are walking and running, swimming, cycling, fitness ...
A stroll in the countryside (or green spaces) will be just as beneficial for you to enjoy the essence of trees, the calm of nature, the song of birds ... for a return to the sources where to draw energy in harmony with the elements in a somewhat bucolic way. The sun is also the ally of your morale (if we do not abuse it) because its rays help in particular to the synthesis of the melanin, a good mood hormone.
Nothing like having a good night
The last element determining the resistance to stress is the quality of sleep. Indeed, to be of attack, one must feel rested and for that you must respect your internal clock.