Take a step back is important. To avoid falling into defeatism and pessimism. To keep confidence in yourself and in life. But this is not the natural tendency of man. We must therefore learn to regularly practice this retreat vital for our well-being. I propose 6 methods.
How to step back and relativize to maintain confidence in yourself and in life
In the flood of bad news and constraints, it is not necessarily easy to cut oneself off from this flow, to get your head out of the water, to put things into perspective and to take a step back.
However, to take a distance, to have a perspective on his daily life and his problems, it is important not to drown and to keep confidence in oneself and in one's abilities.
The question then is "how to take a step back? "
I propose some tracks ...

Cut short your negative thoughts
The first thing that will prevent you from taking a step back is yourself. And the negative thoughts that you go through in a loop. Or the problems and other constraints on which you are stuck.
As long as you only see the bad side of all things, you will draw more negative aspects into your life. While positive aspects do exist. But you do not look at them.
Learn to control and chase your negative thoughts.
Come back to today and now
A classic and recurrent fear is the fear of the future. And there is its counterpart, nostalgia and regrets of the past.
Between the two, there is the only moment that counts: now.
"It was better before", it's only an illusion. On what criteria can you say that your parents, and the parents of your parents, lived better than you? Only on your assumptions and your imagination? Or the stories of the nostalgic? As for the future, well it is not there yet. So why worry about a future that, in fact, you ignore?
Come back and stay essentially in the present moment, focus on your attitude and your daily actions .
Distinguish what depends on you, ignore the rest
Know the difference between what depends on you and what does not depend on you. Then learn not to worry and not focus on what does not depend on you. Can not you do anything? So why do you care? Aside from making you feel bad, you undermine morale and stay in a negative spiral.
The only thing you can do with what does not depend on you is precisely not to take care of it. You will save time and energy. That you can invest in what depends on you.
Remember your successes
I'm sure you have a short memory.
You worry about future challenges, problems to overcome, unforeseen events that will occur.
But do you remember all that you have overcome? Of all that you have succeeded?
I'm sure this list is very long. Above all, it is much more concrete than the problems that could happen.
If you have been capable of these successes, why would not you? List these moments, and also the learning you have learned. It helps to build confidence in oneself and in life.

Inform yourself with intelligence and parsimony
News is anxious. And the media presents a worrisome world with endless problems. Especially if you receive them without selection or effort of deepening.
A first solution could be to disconnect completely. An alternative is to make reasonable use of it:
- do not stay connected to news continuously;
- take a unique moment in the day to inform you;
- diversify and redirect your sources;
- deepen a minimum of important information about yourself.
- You can even go so far as to practice a real information diet.
This will be of great help to you so that you do not feel drowned by the gloom and get away.

Return to your own feelings
You now consume news intelligently. You understand better the current "crises" of the world. That being the case, be honest, just because it's the crisis is not the crisis in your life.
In your life, now and right now, how are you concerned and touched? This small question will allow you to realize the gap between the global discourse and the news, and your own experience.
To put things into perspective, we must minimize the impact that certain elements may have in your life.
So here are 6 ways to step back and keep self-confidence in your life:
- Cut short negative thoughts
- Come back to today and now
- Distinguish what depends on you, ignore the rest
- Remember your successes
- Inform yourself with intelligence and parsimony
- Return to your own feelings
Try them! They will help you to look back on bad times, keep a positive attitude and maintain your optimism.