The power of the contextual opener
Many seducers and effective seductive apprentices stupidly learn phrases of ready-made approaches …
… that they use on every girl they want to seduce.
I am not against it, especially when there is a lack of inspiration.
But there are more powerful and more natural approaches:
Contextual openers, or contextual approaches …
This type of approach is particularly suited to seduction in the evening and on public transport.
What is a contextual opener?
A contextual opener is an approach sentence that relates to the context.
In other words, it is an approach that uses the situation and / or the environment the moment you approach the girl you want to seduce.
The elements of your environment or context that you can use to construct your approach phrase can be very numerous depending on the situation.
You can make a note about where you are both, about the people around you, about your target’s clothing, about how they behave, and about you.

In order for you to understand what a contextual opener is, I will give you some examples:
• You are in a queue a little long to renew a subscription to the box office, a charming girl is in front of you and bored in this endless queue. “Is it still so long here? Is a contextual opener.
• You are in the street and as you pass a hair salon, a beautiful girl comes out. “I love your hairstyle, did they do that? Is a contextual opener.
• You are in a standing bar and a girl is sipping a cocktail that looks special. ” What are you drinking ? It looks good, you advise me? Is a contextual opener.
• You are in a clothing store and you see a girl trying on a garment. “It’s cute, where did you find it? Is a contextual opener.
• You are in a library or bookstore (or even in a park or elsewhere), you catch a girl reading a magazine. ” What are you reading ? Is a contextual opener.
As you can see, there is an infinite amount of contextual opener.
It’s up to you to find them and adapt your approach phrase to the situation.
The benefits of the contextual opener
Many contextual openers may seem phony at first glance, because not especially original, but when they are used in context, they reveal all their power by making your approach of a non-negligible natural seduction.
A girl that you approach using a contextual opener can not think that you have taken out a ready-made sentence found on the net.
Women like to feel unique and therefore do not enjoy being approached in the same way as many other girls before it.
By using a contextual opener, you communicate to your target that you are a comfortable and confident man.
Who does not take the head.
Who has a personality.
And who is not a robot or a heavy two-ball flirty.
Practice approaching women with contextual approaches:
You will see the effectiveness.
And you will see that certain situations are repeated.
This means that you will have a collection of contextual openers, for situations that you have already experienced.
And your approach phrases will come to you more and more naturally over time.

It will be particularly useful to stand out from the crowd when you interact with her.
For example, when you go for a drink or a coffee with her, when you go for a walk with her, when she comes to you (or you go to her house), but also when it comes to address.
I’ll also tell you about an error made by most guys when they try to interest a girl they like (it’s going to sound weird, but that’s how it works in the field).
By avoiding making this small mistake, you will have a considerable head start on all those who do it in the “conventional” way.
If like many guys you galley to arouse the interest of women you really like (and especially girls who are regularly dredged and approached by a bunch of guys), it’s time to watch this.