For the Twin Flame, what can telepathy do to you?

You know you are connected to your twin all the time, and yet you are doing telepathy sessions. So this is a sign that you don't know how powerful this relationship is. Simply, from now on, don't forget this truth about the Twin Flame.

First of all, accept the idea that you have an etheric body.

Any message received belongs only to the spiritual world where everything is fully connected. As you are able to notice that the heartbeats are in order and even, the movement of the vibrations between you two is the same. What can trigger them is when you think with your heart.

In general, you can practice this kind of synchronicity and you will find yourself closer to 4D.

In fact, the reason for the fire in the heart is your ability to connect with the other through your love and to think about him day and night. And this is a problem, therefore, never forget yourself and remember that you are inside this universe and this universe is functioning according to organized energy. Renewing energy is a necessity for you, so every now and then or even every day, using your own methods, try to feel a natural flow of energy entering your body as if you are reviving every part of you.

You are inside and connected to a large universe, you are not alone, and you do not only belong to your small world.

You can still experience this incredible feeling of integrity and because you are not alone things can really work in your favor. Since you are connected to this universe, you can attract positive energy not only when needed, but forever. Your life will be put in order and your thoughts too.

Now by understanding this simple explanation we can say that you are becoming aware of your etheric body.

You may be wondering how this type of connection works between the two of you despite the distance and separation? Yes, it happens despite everything, distance or difference. In fact, nothing that belongs to the physical world can block the connection that belongs to the spiritual world. This is why we say that love is purely spiritual and that it cannot be related to any physical thing.

It's a truth, two people with one soul can always connect with each other.

And this is already the reason why we say one soul because of the type of connection of all time. However, this can happen through a fiery link. So, they are still not aware that they have to work hard on themselves and become a light and that they can be in 4D.

The moment you begin to enter the light into your inner world.

You calm the fire and redirect it to be a light that can shine on your darkness. And now your flow of inner energy is organized. You know that this world works on the basis of organized energy. In fact, sooner or later everything finds its natural path.

This natural cosmic energy is capable of bringing everything back to its normal state.

So try to connect with this natural energy, let this universe be within you, so that your inner energy can find its true positive direction, and then your thoughts and feelings get organized. Don't live as if you are alone and not connected to the universe.

Learn to control your life using your heart.

The twin flames think about each other a lot, but they don't realize that this is telepathy. And they are looking for guided telepathy sessions and they don't feel comfortable at all. So, they become incapable of trusting or believing that this kind of soul connection is happening. All they really want is to be with that person for real, not close their eyes and imagine them. Seriously, you have to know that if you reach the level of telepathic communication, it means that you miss each other more than anything else.

Now both of you are aware of this relationship.

You think of each other and you have the same vibrations. And maybe this natural thought-based telepathy won't be enough for you, so you feel the urge to talk to yourself and learn more about telepathy. However, you should know that telepathy can lead to delirium. In fact, you are putting more pressure on your etheric body which can exhaust it, quite simply, because you are thinking about the same person or even the same day and night.

Now know and remember this important information, the etheric body has laws.

It interacts and functions according to them. It is your basic body. You are here to develop this body until it hits 5D. It is your duty to yourself. This etheric body needs light because it already belongs to the world of light.

So remember, if you want to activate your etheric body follow its laws.

Start with this first thing. You judge any idea that comes to your mind by heart. If it is wrong, you cancel it. If she's fair you let her in. Whether it is related to your twin flame or not. And the second thing is to always be connected to the universe and to renew your energy. This is what it means to go straight to the heart. It becomes real when you are aware that it has laws.

Your second spiritual world is like that and it exists.

To access it, you need such a high positive energy. Most people are familiar with these steps. You prepare a suitable atmosphere, you have to be comfortable, clean, you do meditation, you do breathing, there is calm music and the last thing, your feelings, you feel your heart.

Usually, you cannot enter the spiritual realm when you are not ready.

This is going to end up having an unwanted result and you are going to be more uncomfortable. Our last word, to find or keep watching so many attraction videos in order to attract or retrieve a specific person, will not change anything. It will only do one thing, it will attract to you the same thoughts of the same kind, because as we have already said, you live what you think.

So you will experience the illusion.

You will be wasting time if you manage to notice that it is happening so quickly anyway. In short, don't leave your life and live between your thoughts. And, if you really want telepathy, do it in the right way, know how to reach and connect with your heart, and never forget to renew and cleanse your energy.


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