If the runner comes back to you because you have sincerely made your own spiritual awakening.
You feel able to understand your relationship, you reach 4D and you are able to communicate through your heart and the proof is that your twin flame is by your side now. You are reunited again. Why can this twin runner leave you again? When you feel inner peace you become calmer and your twin too is healed because you have brought him out of your aura. You become so strong that you can let go and forgive unconditionally. You are able to keep your energy so high and positive.
Anyway, now your twin is with you. What should you keep in mind.
Don't play the role of the Master and now you become a spiritual person so you know a lot. So you can guide it. This way he will quit once again. You are completing a spiritual awakening. OKAY! You are aware of the type of positive energy you have. You are a special person and this energy of light, from within you, can affect everything around you. But, that doesn't mean that you insist that others listen to you and follow your advice.
Remember, keep communication natural.
Don't try, even spontaneously or with good intentions, to get them to learn something, because they may sense it as a comparison or that you are telling them, indirectly, that you are better than them. They therefore prefer to move away from you and your strange suggestions that you incorporate into every speech. The truth is that you are in 4D and they are happy to be in 3D so they haven't awakened and they won't understand it. Even you have invested a lot of time and effort into becoming who you are. So, since you are successful in your mission, forget this awakening and leave it in your heart. Be natural with others to avoid their control.
And know that this world is full of people who are looking for the help you can offer.
So if you feel that you really want to share your knowledge with others, you find a special gift in yourself, you want to develop it and work more on yourself and live the life you really dreamed of. Don't force those around you to listen to you and don't expect too much from them, especially your twin flame. Just find the community that is looking for that kind of science or help and you will be welcomed. Or more, these people are going to wish you the best and a long life. Make the right choices and walk your path the good and the real, and you will never be tired, on the contrary, you will enjoy every moment of your life.
Remember this as a rule of life.
It is not easy to understand what 4D means or how to reach the heart. So don't tell anyone about spiritual awakening. You did it for yourself. So never force or guide others. The light in you will shine anyway. So forget the words and act with heart. Work on your energy and keep it on top.