Can you know the real feeling of the other?


How can telepathy help you get to know the true feelings of the person you love?

If you are estranged or physically distant, and you just want to know his true feelings towards you right now, whether he loves you or not. Are you distant but want to know the truth about his hidden feelings? So do this, you have to be very comfortable and calm. You have to get rid of all doubts. Have full self-confidence. Prepare the best atmosphere as usual.

And when you are ready, imagine this person in front of you.

Bring his image in front of you, but don’t fabricate anything. Try to feel his presence and let him be as he is, really feel him and let his real feelings come in front of you for a moment. Then open your eyes. What can you say about the image that presented itself in front of you? If your first remark was that he was smiling, then know that there is no problem on his end. You can also see that he is angry or sad. Focus on your intention. You just want to know his feelings at the time. However, if you want to know his situation or something else, set your intention and you are going to see signs. 

The most important thing is that you know how to bring about her present condition.

After connection becomes easier, you just need to understand the dynamics of telepathy. We can give up the phone if we practice the right telepathy and trust our feelings. We see that telepathy is a myth, but we basically have a soul and the soul dynamic is so broad.

And if we already have this gift, why not use it.

Ultimately, if you know that you are indeed able to communicate with someone, you can. However, above all, you need to think positively and attract more positive energy. Continue to have faith and trust. Connect with the person you love and know their feelings. This subject is purely spiritual.

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