We say that the spiritual call is something sublime. Souls are called. People feel each other no matter whether they know each other or not. They help each other just because one soul calls out to another. They find themselves heading towards a path as if someone is pulling them there.

However, it is called spiritual these days, which is happening between us like internet dating. We connect with each other. All of these are spiritual calls. We do not see each other but our souls meet. So where is the danger in a spiritual call.

It is when an etheric marriage takes place as a result of a spiritual call. What does all this mean?

We say that the spiritual call is a call between souls, therefore there is a vibrational interaction between the etheric bodies. There are vibrations that the etheric bodies send to each other through the invisible world. We cannot see them but we connect through them.

What is this etheric body?

We must remember that our body contains 71% water. You can consider this water your etheric body, the 29% is your physical body. Your etheric body exists to free you from your physical body. Your body complements itself. You have to feel free in your physique to develop your etheric body. As if your physique is the negative pole and the etheric is the positive pole. Since you complement each other, you must keep in mind that your etheric body is the interacting body. You have to level up and reach 5D, to feel lightness. You are a soul.

If you are interacting improperly with your etheric body.

For example, if you are connecting with someone, first of all, don’t think it’s a coincidence. It is impossible, the person you know via the Internet was not at all a coincidence. It is something that comes from your invisible world. You bring your etheric body through time and space. All of your thoughts come from within. What you see in time and space (your real world) comes from within you. So never forget, when you feel something, it can become a reality. You meet, first of all, as souls, then, you meet on the internet. It is a spiritual encounter. 

Since you are meeting spiritually, you must remember that your etheric bodies are connected.


This is called a relationship. Since there are vibrations between you so there is a commitment. It’s OK. However, physical bodies can feel more and want more. It’s not easy to control your emotions. So, it can lead to an etheric marriage between two etheric bodies.

What is a marriage? It is a union between two souls and they become one.

This is where the problem comes from, you feel in love with this person and him too. Often times you cannot be together and even if you do meet in real life. This is not what matters.

We then ask this question again: why did the souls plan to meet?

It is to help each other. At a certain point, they call each other. Now we know that when the mission ends, each soul normally moves on. We come here on Earth to learn, to move from one lesson to another until we succeed in decoding our true potentials. Other souls are helping us.

Ok, from this moment we are aware of what is happening on the spiritual scale. But, we are also human beings. What to do with attachment ties? If we are in love following a spiritual call and it leads to an etheric marriage. Letting go overnight is not that easy.

So, go ahead, we learn.

All interaction between two people takes place through the etheric bodies. Most relationships via the Internet can lead to an etheric marriage. Since they meet via etheric bodies whether they are together or not, they are a couple but you are there the wrong way.

Since this kind of etheric marriage has no rules, it will not be easy to break up. In this case, you might find yourself looking for different solutions to clean up negative energy after a separation.

Best advice: you can use visualization.

You close your eyes and imagine a rope that connects your heart and her heart. You take a chisel and cut that tie. There must be some real intention “now I’m letting you go for good.” Imagine that you turn and come back to your own path. Never stay where it hurts you. You deserve happiness. If there is a separation, and your soul (your intuition) tells you it’s over. So forgive, let go, and move on. Choose a better life and you will see what your future hides. 


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