What is the best way to have a spiritual awakening?

How to achieve spiritual awakening?

Spiritual awakening is the raising of the human soul from the lower dimensions to the level of consciousness so that you know and you become fully aware of your truth.

Now we live in 3D, the 3rd dimension is the physical dimension where you can feel everything and that means you can’t see anything that doesn’t have a physical form.

Since you belong to this world, you have to leave the physics to admit the truth that there is another world bigger than this where you can connect to it in order to find the light.

Your spiritual world doesn’t need time or space to access it. This means we are all connected to each other’s hearts.

When you let go of the feeling of being separated from nature, you are into the light. You will know that this whole universe is a unit. We are not separated, we complete each other, the light nourishes us. There is the organized cosmic energy. So you have to do something. You have to know how you can reach it. You have to be awake to get out of time and space, to go beyond the 3rd dimension to higher levels. You have to pass through the 4D and this is the bridge that will take you to the 5D.

What does the switch from 3D to 5D mean?

It means your vibrations are suitable for 5D so you are able to get into it. How can you increase your vibrations? It is through your connection with the 4D that is the light. This is your heart, you have to be connected to your heart to ensure the passage to 5D.

As long as you listen to your analytical mind, you will stay in 3D.

Do you want to start? Then, go into your heart, it will take you to 5D.

Your physical body has nothing to do with that. You want to be in the 5D, first of all, you have to learn to let go of all that is physical and be in your heart. You will reach a point where you do not feel time and space. You are inside of your soul. You are feeling it. You are connected to your soul. Be trained to feel that connection.
If you have any problems, or you are suffering from something, give it a try.

Your soul is your divine energy. It can heal you. It can help you connect with this organized cosmic energy. No time or space can separate you from your soul.

React to your higher vibrations, nothing is impossible, by training, believing that you are already better of who you are right now. You can be a new person. Let go of limiting beliefs and fears. Attract positive confirmations. Connect with your soul. Every day your inner voice will tell you that you can do it.

Little by little, you will leave your old life. You will see the smiling face of this life. You will reach the 5D, you will be able to let go, forgive, help and love others, as if nothing can bring you back to negative thinking.

Your Aura will be healed and pure. It will help you connect to the 5D. You will be integrated into the 5D. You will live in peace.

Don’t hesitate to switch to 4D, to connect with your heart, to let yourself be guided by the organized energy. You will learn that you are always open to give love and you won’t expect anything from anyone.
The 4D is the level of satisfaction, forgiveness, help, meditation, and positive confirmation.

The spiritual awakening leads you to 5D, so how your life is going to be? With positive thinking, meditation, telepathy, you will want to live this way, you will surely live this way, there is abundance.

Activate your millionaire criteria and you will be a millionaire, as long as you are in the 5D you can activate anything in your life.
You will move from one situation to another, maybe not the same friends, however, you will meet new people who have the same way of thinking as you.

You will always be looking for ways to develop your life, to do something, to be creative. One of the best things in life is to think positively when it’s not a guess, it’s your everyday truth. As we call it, your life path.

All you don’t know, there is a cosmic library in the ether. As long as you are in 5D it is easy for you to learn what you want and to choose.

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