The twin flames being a single united soul, are divided into 2 separate souls. One soul would represent male energy and the other soul would represent female energy. Each soul then follows its own path, always yearning for its twin, wanting to merge into a single soul unit and reunite but without knowing it consciously.

In fact, if following the encounter, the twin flames go through the process of running and chasing:

A twin will become scared or overwhelmed by it all and run away from his twin. Then the more spiritually aware hunter twin will attempt to chase his twin, yearning to be with him. But, there can be many different reasons why the runner is running away from their other half. It is because he is not spiritually aware. He doesn’t fully understand the connection, his heart chakra is closed, or he doesn’t know how to love himself. So seeing his twin, he will have a direct reflection of his own self and that can scare him. The hunter can go through a difficult time, but this is not necessarily the case. He can overcome pain. It can speed up the process of this phase, or even end the race and chase.

For example, assuming that the twin flames are always together : 

Knowing that the twin flames are meant to be together can help ease the pain of the other. Even if one twin can run away from the other, it won’t last. Twin flames are still connected. They are never separated at the soul level. Regardless of the physical distance, they can be found. Over time, the runner will stop running from their other half and start running towards them. It is a process. But, just knowing that your Twin Flame will be back in your life is enough to help calm and relieve pain.

Here are some tips to consider.

First, Let your runner run : 

Stop chasing the runner. Since that only makes him want to keep running. And, without realizing it, you run away yourself. The runners need time and they will come back when they are ready. So let go. They will come back once they realize they need to be with you. In addition, it is best not to try to find out what they are doing, even through social media.

Second, don’t talk too much about your relationship with others : 

Most of the time, when you are faced with these types of situations, you can seek to share them. You talk about what you are going through with your friends and relatives. This is fine, but most of the time they are not really aware of this divine spiritual connection. They will not clearly understand your situation.

Third, do you love yourself unconditionally : 

There are a lot of things you can do to improve self-love. Start by saying “I love myself” every day. The more you keep doing this, the more your brain starts to believe in it and you attract all the positive energy. Nourish your body with good foods that make you feel and look better. In addition, meditation and prayer are also great ways to help improve self-love. It helps to get out of negative thought patterns. You rediscover the intuition and wisdom of the soul, and also the connection with your inner self.

Inspire you

Focus on yourself; try to improve yourself. Try to engage in different activities and learn more about yourself. Explore and learn what motivates and inspires you. Be the most talented. And work towards achieving your own goals and ambitions.

Use the law of attraction

Pay attention and be aware of what you are saying. It is what you think about becomes a manifestation. What we put our energy into and focus on is what we tend to attract towards us. Focus on what you want. And not about what you fear or the things you don’t want to happen. Focus on the positive and your twin flame reunion.

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