What does it mean to see Numbers

Why do you listen to music during meditation? this is because it clearly helps you to reach higher levels of spirituality. So that makes you connected to the universe.

Now, do you know that there is an interconnection between music and numbers and that the two together can help to listen to the universe?

You can feel the cosmic energy, and why not, if there is a gigantic force like the universe ready to be your guide, to be there for you, to tell you that there is a divine power within you, you are able to find your true path among millions of choices, thoughts and the unknown. Why we don’t learn to listen, feel, and understand the signs. And one day, we face our mirror to tell ourselves: we are powerful.

Take the example of the number 7

If you have 7 musical strings, you hit the first one, you will notice that the 7 strings hit each other quickly and if you focus a little bit, you will know that they form unlimited vibrations reaching the whole world.

Now if I say, do or repeat something 7 times, does that mean that I will be in harmony with the universe? The answer is: Yes. What if I say something positive to myself, am I connecting to the universe just by repeating a single word? How?

Know that the secret here is in the number and not in what you say or do, the number is the one who is able to interact with the universe.

I think you know the meaning of the numbers, the 7 is for speed and harmony, the 5 is a sign of protection, 8 is a sign of wholeness (something complete), 9 is a cosmic key (try it and multiply 9 with any other number, look at the sum and calculate it, the result will always be 9). So be so confident, the 9 can open doors for you.

Remember, all you have to do is just understand the real meaning of the numbers, how to translate them perfectly, that way you will succeed in using them.

Each number is capable of performing vibrations and these vibrations are the links that can help you interact with the universe.

Work on keeping your mind clean, so that you can feel the universe around you and when you say or do something, you will feel like the whole universe is listening to you and interacting in its own way.

You understand the meaning of the number, you do something by repeating it using a specific number in order to achieve your goal, it can change your life. There are many powerful numbers, you can benefit from their vibrations, can create miracles in your life.

From now on, you become more open to understanding numbers.

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