“I think of someone and he thinks of me. 

Now is a good time to understand this differently, through the science of energy. But first of all, “if I receive a spiritual call, does that mean that person is thinking of me?” Does that mean she loves me? 

“If there really is a spiritual calling or connection in a spiritual world, then through this can I really know if there is anyone who thinks of me or loves me? 

The answer is yes, you can tell if you suddenly think of this person.

“And now how do I know if I am receiving a spiritual call?”

For example, you are sitting in a place, between a lot of people and all of a sudden it comes between your thoughts and you are smiling.

Suddenly, while you think about him, your phone rings or his name appears anywhere, or you see such a memory that reminds you of him.

The sensation of hearing ringing in the ears. And suddenly you remember him.

All spiritual calls come through feelings. It is your heart that informs you. As you knew, love is in our hearts.

But, if you think about someone too much, more than you should, know that there is a problem .

You have to take a break and ask yourself this question. “What’s going on?” If thinking about that person becomes tiring, you can’t get it out of your head. It’s wrong. When you can’t control these incessant thoughts. Your mind won’t stop thinking anyway. Surely it becomes negative energy. If thinking about someone becomes permanent, it is a bad psychological state. Something is wrong with your relationship, with your life, or with the way you think.

The spiritual call comes from souls, you find it with people who have a very high level of spirituality. Someone who is used to following their feelings and listening to their heart.

However, if thinking about someone becomes addictive, know that you are in time and space and it is in the mind. Spiritual thought is something else.

So our advice, the first thing to do is to let go.

Stubbornness can destroy you: “He’s the one I want no matter what.” Is it much better, if you wait, calm down, prepare yourself for the right thought? Avoid hasty thoughts.

If you doubt something, you ask your soul to guide you, if you want it to change, you keep your thinking positive above all else. If you feel he is your twin flame, never think too much, never put negative energy between you. Always be aware of the meaning of your thoughts. Be optimistic anyway.

The first thing to do in a successful relationship is not to stress that person and think too much about them.

Choose yourself, your inner balance and your happiness.

Try to attract your twin flame by showing them your own personal development, how much you focus on your progress and not, at all, that your focus is on him.

Your relationship is always better if it is based on your feeling, your soul, your heart, your intuition. Never let your mind get you to doubt. Feel by rote, in all honesty, as if you are seeing this person in front of you. And she will feel you at the same time. 

Look for pure love, where you can find a spiritual connection with it.

Avoid overthinking. If you are in a relationship based on feelings and spirituality, then be someone who can feel with your heart.

You can use organized cosmic energy because a subject like spiritual calling occurs outside of time and space.

“What can we find outside of time and space?”

Angels, in general, are a whole invisible world. We sometimes ask how this world could exist and how are we connected to it. Communication between lovers happens this way and it can happen even in a different world.

“How do I know if I’m thinking of him?”

Look at your feelings. They can easily inform you of your current situation. You can know if he is thinking of you or not, if he is being honest with you or not, if it is a simple relationship or not, if this person exists for real or if he is not. nothing more than thoughts, an illusion.

Remember that you can control your thoughts, but if you decide this first.

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