It's time to focus, to find love. Are you a twin flame? What do you want? Being with that person, feeling complete and then feeling safe. And from that moment you are ready to achieve something.
OKAY! Think about it, does every human being on this earth come to make great achievements?
No! It is for the balance of the earth. Some people have such a spiritual way of life and attitudes that you cannot live like them. If your soul has come in their place, you will eventually leave the place, but these powerful souls create balance for the Earth. You, from afar, can you do anything for them. You might not notice it, but they keep you safe while sometimes living in strange circumstances. Try to see how other people live and it may shock you. So you can feel so grateful for your life.
Keep in mind that our world is based on energy.
The people around you, or far away from you, are energy. Certain faces, you meet them before and you will never see them again. This is why you are told, first find your own balance. Feel the balance within all of these energy waves. And know that your energy can make a change. Don't let it get lost. You have been told before that negative energy has laws: it is you, as one person, you are of value. This is why many wonder why : " Why is all this happening to me ". Then, going deeper into the dark road. You will see that you are alone and that no one is by your side. "Don't tell me a twin flame, where is it". This is what your eyes see in the dark.
Above all, you need light to understand where you are.
And to also understand that the world around you needs you so badly, it needs your hard work and success and that positive feeling of achievement and joy. However, you don't have to invent something (why not actually), just do it, connect with your soul, figure out what you really want, and make a change. Go out, learn something new, look at yourself in the mirror and see your shining eyes, feel the presence of your soul.
It is awakening, when you let go of the past, you forgive.
If you want to find your true twin flame, you have to find it yourself first. And if there is no twin flame, the energy that you have found within yourself, can make you meet a soul similar and familiar to yours. Most importantly, during your existence on this earth, you live your life to the fullest, you find great love, you are happy and at peace. However, two twin flames under high positive energy can only be in union. Unconditional love means union of souls. There cannot be anything else.
The last thing, work on finding your own happiness.
Find your twin flame, live together, start a family and you will be an example that others will want to emulate. If many souls are united under unconditional love and this energy is multiplied, it will impact the whole world. However, no twin flame, no love, you are alone, you have a lot of responsibilities. You are growing up, now less chance, nothing will change as this world needs a change.