Telepathy via the third eye



Do you want to learn telepathy? Do you want to tell your message to the person you love but you don’t know how? Is there an easy and convenient telepathic method?

Of course, you can send your message through the third eye.

You just have to know how it is done. In fact, sending a sign through the pineal gland creates such a strong spiritual connection. The easiest first thing to make this type of telepathic connection is to focus on your third eye and therefore on your forehead. Focus on this place and send your message. It is better to do this kind of telepathy before going to sleep.

Remember to be prepared. Prepare a calm atmosphere.

Be in your highest positive energy. Feel harmony with the universe and get rid of all negative thoughts. When you have already closed your eyes, bring that person in front of you. Try to focus on his face. Concentrate on all of her features. The most important thing is that you make sure that this is the same person you want to talk to him about. Keep looking at his forehead. Please your short message like call me, love you or miss you, must come out of your third eye and send it to hers. You can imagine this link as a luminous rope, you can imagine every little detail as you want, but the most important thing is to feel it real. Believe that you are using the help of your spiritual powers.

We will explain to you the role of the pineal gland and you will understand, once and for all, this type of telepathy.

Do you know that the pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain? Perhaps you have noticed an area known as the fontanel in the baby’s head. This anterior fontanel can easily be felt as an area of ​​slightly soft skin on the top of the head. It may take a while or even years to close. And that is why children have a very high energy level. They are protected and able to live in their own spiritual world even without knowing it. The reason is that their space is filled with positive energy as if they are surrounded by angels. In fact, their pineal gland helps them receive very high positive energy.

This is what it means to have the third eye open.

Keep in mind, if it is open then there is a connection of light between you and your spiritual world and this light can enter through the pineal gland. So, it nourishes you with positive energy and light. You can see things clearly, you can let go of negativities and be open to your second spiritual world. In short, if you want to telepathy through the third eye.

Just focus on your forehead.

Feel the presence of a bond of light connecting you to your spiritual world and use it to send your message. Just be positive, it’s a connection, so if you want to contact the person you love, telepathically, believe in the connection between you. Prepare to see in yourself, your spiritual identity by attracting the maximum of positive energy. Also, don’t use words you can’t understand to get positivity, just use your own words that they are able to make you feel at peace and at ease.

In fact, having positive energy makes it so easy using your heart.

You don’t need the words you don’t understand or can’t feel. Be comfortable with yourself because it is your own spiritual space and you connect with yourself. So always understand what you are saying. You can also choose the music which can help you be at peace. You can choose the frequency that helps you connect with the universe. When you are about to go to your spiritual realm, use what makes you feel in harmony and avoid things or symbols that are unfamiliar to you. Last thing, in order to access your spiritual you have to set your intention and since you are using your pineal gland be sure that you are connecting with the other.

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