TEST: 5 signs confirm that he loves you

This little test can help you find out if this person loves you or not.

This test has 5 questions with two yes / no answers. Calculate your result if it is yes, you put 20 if it is no you put 10. Therefore, the minimum of the results is a 50 (~ 50%), if this relationship needs a little effort and a decision from your side. What do the other results mean? You will understand whether he likes you or not: What should you do next?

You know this information well. Every relationship begins above all on a spiritual scale, two souls who love and express themselves. You can see that in each other’s eyes. But often we are doubtful and we do not know what to do. From now on, learn to be sure of yourself. So that you can decide on the next step.

I will present the 5 signs of a person in love. Please do not forget this information. One way or another, they will help you too much.

I will ask you a few questions, you will answer and then you calculate the result.

1 * While seeing you arrive, do you think?

  • He immediately turns to you, trying to start a conversation with you, to greet you, to say hello. You feel like he misses you. [20]
  • He’ll normally act like he doesn’t see you there. He ignores you. [10]

2 * When you meet face to face

  • Is there a smile on their face as soon as they see you (remember this, when someone is in love with you, their face will smile the moment you show up, even if they don’t want to show you this? He cannot hide it too. It is the light of the heart. Souls do not lie. You will notice it because it comes from the heart. Trust in this.) [20]
  • There is no expression on his face. [10]

3 * When you look into his eyes, do you see his eyes light up like he wants to put you inside his eyes. Does he look at you that way?

  • Yes, of course [20]
  • No, it looks simple. [10]

4 * When you ask him for a service, does he answer immediately with pleasure?

  • Yes [20]
  • No, he’s ignoring me saying he’s busy now, maybe later. [10]

5 * Does he get jealous if he sees you with others?

  • Yes [20]
  • No, he looks indifferent. [10]

Now let’s see the results:

These results are spiritual and based on the energy sciences. They can show you what level you are at now and how to improve that relationship.

If the sum is 50:

Number 5 is spiritual. You need a feeling from within to guide you. The relationship is in the middle, so it’s a yes or a no. If you understand your relationship, it will progress. The relationship can improve slowly if you take it to a spiritual level early on. One of you is sensitive and acts according to your heart, the other is quite intellectual. So you two need to understand that a relationship needs feelings to last.

If the sum is 60:

Angel number 6 is a key, it shows that things can go well between the two of you. It’s a sign. There is a beginning.

If the sum is 70:

The number 7 is used to organize energies in general. So if you have any doubts that the relationship cannot progress. Realize that you have to control your thoughts. On a spiritual level, there is harmony between you. Your role, therefore, is to organize your thoughts, let go, attract constructive thoughts and you will have a lasting and happy romantic relationship.

If the sum is 80:

The number 8 is a sign of perfection, prosperity, and fullness. You can think that the situation starts to come out of the spiritual realm and work on a real level. Live your happiness moment by moment.

If the sum is 90:

It seems that the whole universe is blessing your relationship. You are supported by organized cosmic energy. So don’t doubt anything, fear nothing. Everything will be fine between you. If your heart declares its agreement, live your love story in the “here and now”. Later it will be too late.

If the sum is 100:

The number 1 is a sign that you are becoming one. Your souls are united. You are in harmony together. You are two twin flames.

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