The Connection between Twin Flames

We have all heard of “soulmates” at least once, but this term does not only define love relationships.

A soul mate can be a friend, a family member, or someone with whom we feel a deep spiritual connection. For couples, there is no ascending relationship higher than that of twin flames. The connection of the twin flames has a link with the red string of destiny: This is one of the most complicated and beautiful connections to experiment with. Some people still ask about the truth of this connection or think we have invented this term. However, the concept has been present in many cultures for thousands of years.

The fact is that the belief that a soul is divided into two bodies starts with the beginning of life.

Even in death, their souls were connected. We have a hard time believing in something that we can not define with logic. Even if we do not know for sure why two people fall in love, we can, in many ways, explain the emotions of love. This concept is that of a connection of souls that goes beyond reason. However, twin flames represent a powerful relationship. It looks like, it can be felt that a red string of fate is tied around the little finger of those destined to be together, and time can stretch or tangle it, but ultimately they are meant to come back together. It is easier to say that this is just another New Age concept that lacks foundation, but it is shared in many cultures. We all have someone who shares our soul. That’s where the word “find our other half” comes from. There is a deeper understanding of this concept of being split into two rather than spending our lives in search of our other half.

Of course, many reject the superficiality of “our other half”.

But in reality, the union of the twin flames will only occur once the flames realize that they are whole together. The twin flames are destined to come together in this life, not only for their own evolution but for that of the planet. Many flames are among the lightworkers who came to earth to raise the vibrations of the world and to help us improve our global awareness. On the other hand, twin flames have to work a lot independently before they come together and realize the life purpose they accepted before they were born. No matter what happens in this life, what paths we can go through, we always have a red string that connects us to our twin flame. Nothing can break this. Twin flames are a union created in the spiritual world. Nothing in the human world can break it. It is a union beyond the tangible. For this reason, time is not relevant for twin flames.


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