The reason for overthinking someone, if it's causing problems for you and you don't know how to stop it.
First you need to know that there are two types of thinking, whether you are thinking about the person or an idea occurs to you about someone you don't know but you dream of them.
Let us explain it to you in detail. If you love someone and think about them, that's natural, but when you think about someone you don't know, you need to understand the situation. Your thoughts are the reason. How do you know if you are the one who thinks first or it is he who thinks, who sends energy to the other? Who is the reason and who thinks more about the other?
If you dreamed about someone you don't know, it is a sign that they are thinking of you as there is an etheric connection made when someone thinks of another. This universe is energy and it is spiritual energy. In fact, controlling your thoughts or not controlling them your soul is responsible for, why your soul did this? To clarify, it was you who did this to him. Do you know that you cannot dream about someone you don't know, make sure you have seen them before even if there is no relationship between you.
If you dream of him then he is thinking of you.
Based on this you are dreaming and it means that your soul meets its soul during the time of sleep. Remember that when the soul leaves the body, it can meet anyone, including the person who is thinking of you. Souls meet. He sends you the energy that allows you to think of him. What you need to know is that if you occupy your mind with this subject, you will automatically save it in your subconscious which lets you dream, it makes the soul move. The subconscious mind is the one responsible for creating the images we live in now.
Based on what is our thinking, so if your thoughts are correct then your mind will create correct images. How? 'Or' What?
It is through your dream, a soul meets another and communicates with it, we know that souls can meet through dreams but it is possible that the soul does not meet the one who thinks about it. In this case, if from the beginning you haven't interacted with this thought, if you haven't activated it in your brain, then you have saved it in your subconscious and you are energizing your subconscious. It means, in the end, that you activate a certain feeling, you make your body feel by thinking of the other, you have surely felt something and you are interacting with the idea.
So your subconscious mind has saved the idea so you are dreaming about it.
In fact, you don't remember all your dreams, you only remember the last thing when the soul returns to the body. It was the last part of everything the soul did. What you don't know is that your soul leaves the body when you go to sleep, and your soul is you outside of your body. So what were you doing without remembering anything? As long as you sleep you dream of what your soul is doing and that soul is doing what is saved in the subconscious so that it can be achieved in the real world. Dreams are the mirror that reflects the reality in which we live. So what you see in your dreams is your life.
Your brain gives information to your subconscious mind that saved it and then creates your life.
We must then know the importance of such an idea, we must not interact with the one we do not want. For example, if you don't need someone in your life, start by not interacting with that idea, get it out of your mind early on and send a sign to your subconscious that it shouldn't be saved. . Be careful what you think about it because you will dream about it and maybe you will experience it in your reality. Thinking about someone too much can make you a prisoner of an idea.
Imagine that you are inside this universe and that there is no energy, nothing is moving.
What do we need to do to let things happen. We have to start by thinking. Your idea is the one that moves you and your life. So in thinking of a certain thing, be aware that you are not a prisoner of it. Free yourself and do not be a prisoner of anyone at all. Because if you keep thinking about a particular person or thing, it means that no news will come, then you let go of the old to open the door to the new.