What can break the pride of the Runner is his madness in love for his twin. This love has taken him captive. He can forget everything about his self-esteem or his pride, often he only cares about his love.

This person becomes his whole life and his love burns in his heart.

He misses her, he worries then he puts the blame on himself and his twin flame. He felt a lot of injustice. “I don't deserve what happened to me. Why do I feel broken. ” Then he compares his life before this relationship and how it became, everything changes negatively. Because he loved in a negative way. And the way he pulls away is a sign.

What causes him to feel destroyed is suffocation.

When a twin runner feels suffocated and everything is blurry in front of his eyes. He cannot see clearly, he will ask himself, this is where the happiness in this love is only a continuation of suffering. And he still thinks that way. Despite all this, he feels he loves this person so much. Why? Because the two of you are sharing the same ideas but the vibrations of the race push him to take some distance.

As if he fears his hunter twin.

He believes he is stronger than him. He feels this strange connection from within, but since he is not able to understand it. He prefers to leave. Everything seems blurry, it's as if all the doors are already closing. If you're a runner, make sure you don't plan to come back to or even call your hunter twin. But, you are just waiting for his call or his message. That's all you really want. 

And what's weird is that you manage to attract the other.

In fact, one should never deny that there is active telepathy all the time between the two. So, since the connection is active, it is in vain to think that since you are separated, you are not going to communicate. As long as you think about him, he does too. When the hunter does not call, the runner feels sad and waits for his message.

If you are a hunter, know that your twin has no intention of calling you or coming back to you.

So what? What does he really want? The truth is, "He loves you and that's it". The next question, how can this be used? What does it all mean? Are you going to wait or go? The problem is, if you send him a message, the racing vibrations are working again. So you're going to feel like he's closing all the doors you're trying to open. You feel like he doesn't care about you. There is something he wants to break in you.  

You know he sees that you are stronger than him.

He sees your power of control and he wants you to change without him intervening. Since he is running away from you, know that you are so strong, he is not running because he hates you, he did because of your energy so strong. The situation is difficult, the runner blames himself, he feels he loves you and he cannot stay away from you. So he always keeps a little window open so he can know your news. It becomes like air to him. No matter how simple it is, as long as it helps it reach you, it is worth a lifetime for it. And don't forget to always keep an open door between you, help the other to contact you.


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