Telepathy is a spiritual connection. If you know how to reach your etheric body and feel comfortable, know that you can send telepathic messages to anyone.
Telepathy needs the law of attraction and attraction means having something like magnetism which has energy and is able to attract.
Be sure, it is impossible for the conscious mind which is within time and space to bring you anything. Here in time and space there is no telepathy. If you want to tell someone something, use your phone. However, if you want telepathy or to attract something into your life, you need energy.
And where does this energy come from? It is through your etheric body.
Now what is the key to reaching this etheric body? It's your heart. Logically, you have to bring an idea using your conscious mind, and then you send it to your heart. This is the bridge that will lead you to your etheric body. So what exactly should I do if I want to attract something? Bring an idea with your mind then send it to the heart and it will test whether its vibrations match yours or not. If the vibrations are not compatible, the heart will reject this idea and send you a sign that it is uncomfortable and that you may find yourself unable to do so.
What should you do in this case? You need to meditate, pray or take 7 strong breaths.
The most important thing is to get more energy. You will expand your consciousness and you will know how to reach your etheric body. This one is a matter of feeling. If you want to know if you are interacting with your etheric body or not? I will give you a simple method.
What do you want right now? For example, you want to eat fish, OK, put three choices of fish in front of you.
So what do you want the most? Focus on choosing where your feelings will go first out of the three. Your etheric body is the one feeling, what you want right now and how you have been feeling. The one who chooses is your etheric body. It is the one who eats, drinks and takes energy. How? 'Or' What? You eat everything on Earth and what you take in from these foods is energy. Your etheric body takes it for you to enjoy and your life to endure. The rest is waste, nothing is left in the body.
So you have to be sure when you want to do telepathy or any other spiritual work.
You first start by getting rid of negative energy in your body, your clothes, and where you stay because negative energy is harming your body. Your soul is like electricity moving through your body and leaving the heart beating. So you have to activate it and keep your body always active. To be clean is not for the physical body, it is for the etheric body.
Whatever you sow inside you find it in your outside world and that is the law of attraction.
This is the way to reach your etheric body and do whatever you want, it all starts with a feeling. This is the attraction. Like I said in the previous example, you want to eat fish and that's your feeling right now. This is what you want. Usually when you want to do something, it means your vibration is compatible with what you want and is in your favor. You are in alignment. However, if nothing works, know that you have to work seriously to cleanse negative energy and cleanse your aura.
Work for more positive energy and vitality.
Now, in short, if you are within this time and space, you will not be able to attract anything. It all begins and comes from your etheric body which reflects it, for you, in reality. Whatever you want, you can find it inside of you. Your etheric body has your soul, and that means your divine part, so at any time you can connect with that side. You can be yourself; you can be that pure side that lives inside of you and is covered by this body.
So at all times you want to attract something or do telepathy.
Imagine this side, and things will automatically find their way, and they will only organize themselves if you connect with this organized cosmic energy. The first thing to remember about telepathy is your feelings. Know that words are like a living being that we use in time and space to understand ourselves.
So that means if there is no feeling, there is no connection.
For attraction and spiritual connection, you don't need words. You need telepathy, then learn the language of feelings. Because even if you speak and repeat what you want to say a thousand times if there is no feeling in between, there will be no connection. Nothing will affect the other. We need to understand the real meaning of the connection.
You want to attract, and then start by charging your etheric body with energy.
Your role is to do this, to fill your etheric body with energy until it becomes a light for you. Connection means vibrations.
Even a mother can easily telepathy with her children. Or it's more than that.
Because as long as she is alive, her children are under her vibration zone. And its vibrations are so high. And they can affect them. If she is planning something for them it happens, so if you are a mother try to always keep your vibrations as high as it has a direct effect on your children. You are even able to attract things to them, sometimes it happens subconsciously. So, avoid putting them under an atmosphere of negative energy. However, now make sure that you are able to change your child's life path as he is under your vibration zone.
Does telepathy require the other to be ready for it as well?
No, of course, you just need to learn how to reach your etheric body and send energy to the other, and you will feel comfortable. Don't expect anything else, this life is a feeling. For your vibrations to be high, you need confidence. Learn to live with confidence. For example, do you want to live in a castle, then know that if your vibrations are compatible with that, then this thing will be designed inside of you, it will be your reality and you will find yourself inside. What creates and works on it. These are the 7 colors that exist around your chakra in your body. And these colors form you what you want based on your energy.