What does seeing 11:11 mean?

What does seeing 11:11 mean? How is that relate to your spirituality?

You can see 11:11 everywhere you go. Does it mean the coincidence that creates synchronicity?

What exactly does synchronicity mean?

Synchronicity occurs as a result of a crossing of two independent events creating an agreement that makes sense.

And this agreement is not abstract, it is a kind of interconnection.

So, for example, you see numbers, it’s not by chance, they appear recursively to inform you that you need to be careful.

The presence of multiple synchronicities gives us the impression that there was an invisible force capable of going beyond our logical mind and creating an intersection that opens a door to miracles.

Similar events that recur are subject to a natural physical law called the law of series which causes similar events to repeat.

So, we can see sequence of numbers like 11:11, 22:22 in our digital clock or in the streets. Each sequence of numbers has a specific meaning. It leads us to choose the right path for our life.

Seeing repeated numbers like 11:11 anywhere while you are awake means that you are aware of the meaning of synchronicity, have intuition. And you are a spiritual person.

Since you have strong intuition, you are connected to your heart, so you are able to feel the vibrations around you coming from your spiritual world.

As long as you want to interact with your soul, you will be able to repeatedly see numbers like 11:11.

Seeing 11:11 means you have to keep your thoughts positive, never put them in doubt.

Be positive, what you want can be a reality. Focus on what you want, not what scares you.

Since you are seeing the 11:11, rest assured you are already getting signs from higher souls and angels. If you listen, you will see the difference later.

Do you know that December 21, 2012, at 11:11, marks the beginning of a new era for the planet which is witnessing a shift from the Dark Ages to the Golden Age?

The sum of 11:11 is 4 and this number signifies the transformation and fusion of the Ego.

And if we talk a little bit about 2011, try to remember, was there something or a strong event that happened to you or someone you know during this year? Does it remind you of a special memory?

The truth is, 2011 has been a year of change for the whole world and maybe it did affect you in such a way.

Now you understand why so many people have been awakened, feeling the true meaning of freedom and so many other values ​​that lead them to a new cycle of life.

Every time you see 11:11 it means you are on the right path and have full protection.

11:11 informs you that you need to be your own guide, the leader of your life instead of listening to negativity and others around you.

This sign helps you know your real situation and what you can do later.

You can experience a sudden awakening, your life will not be able to be the same.

So many questions may show up in your head about how it is happening so fast, you enter a spiritual world that will clarify everything in front of you, it will heal you, you will feel the balance.

Do not expect others to participate in your journey, as this journey is all about you, your spiritual experience, only you have to take care of it. Maybe, you will meet some new friends influenced by the 11:11, you can get close to each other trying to figure out why you are seeing this sequence of numbers. You are all spiritual.

If you open this digital door, there is no way to go back, your soul will automatically push you from one level of experience to another so that you understand the situation.

Your awareness will expand, you will have a quick and wide understanding. Your consciousness will be more open to the sense of synchronicities which will recur more than before.

There you are, your spiritual world communicates with you through your intuition.

If you see the 11:11, you know it’s a sign so all you have to do is listen to your intuition and your life will change for the better.

Be sure, if you see 11:11, you are a spiritual person, you are pure, you are a good person, you are connected to the universe.

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