What does seeing the 333 mean?
Now you see the 333, you will be wondering: What am I thinking about? Am I in harmony with the universe? And what is it telling me?
You are thinking about something and sending vibrations to the universe. You are interacting with something. You think about it. You are happy and smiling. Or you feel bad and angry. And suddenly this 333 appears. It is the sign of the universe; you are interacting with your heart.
Always remember that the connection with the universe is by heart and not by anything else.
The heart is your own subconscious mind, your soul, it is the one that has a direct connection with the universe. It’s like a pump and the universe feeds it.
333 has such high vibration and energy more than you imagine, 3 alone is so strong with its energy whereas if you see it 3 times it will multiply its energy.
So, why this is coming to you? It is for sure to encourage you. You must get or strengthen the new energies inside of you like communication, freedom, inspiration, creativity, vitality, your ability to be open to others and to express your thoughts.
Remember when you see the 3, what do you feel? And you will understand what this positive feeling can bring to your life.
So, if the 3 can empower you that way, then you see it multiplied. Go for it! Directly accept your thoughts and feelings, if you are in love with someone, and you see 333, accept your feelings. You think of him, that’s okay or in general, if you have a plan, and you see 333, go ahead.
What you think about, no matter what goes on in your head, 333 tells you, accept it. And it gives you this important advice. Hurry up and make your decision, never hesitate. Try not to waste time. It’s simple, go ahead and trust yourself. Your new life will be so much better than the old one.