What is Existential Depression ?

We are going to talk about existential depression, this is the first thing you will face when you are about to be spiritually awakened.

Now we are going to give you all the details so that you don’t waste no more time, you could waste years because of this depression.

So many people go through this stage facing spiritual awakening, by feeling depressed, and having doubts.

What does existential depression mean?

This problem is not too common and this may be the first time you hear about it, psychiatrists describe it as a psychic problem, even if they seek to understand the reasons for this problem, they will learn that this person is about to start a new life cycle.

Lots of questions and doubts about yourself, life, your beliefs until you get used to yourself moving into a new world of light, you will finally feel at ease.

Now try to understand everything we are telling you to avoid being inside this whirlwind:

Existential depression is when you start to doubt or think deeply about what your life is based on.

You are going to think about the reason for your life and that will lead you to existential questions, “What is the purpose of existence?” “What happens after death?” “Why was I born, what am I here?”

Why are things going like this, why the universe is so complicated, why our physical mind is not able to understand it?

This existential depression is a personal experience

It is not related to any religion or belief, it is about existence in general.

You will doubt your beliefs that you receive from your society, you will think about the existence of divine power, about your own existence. You might wonder why there are so many languages? Why does this create a complicated means of communication? How do people start to speak, with the start of this life, how do they create these different styles of writing?
All of these numbers and letters have energy, they are designed with spiritual form, synchronicity and connection with this universe in a way your mind cannot imagine.

You will wonder, why all this philosophy. Usually, if you stay inside this whirlpool, you will be exhausted. We are not supposed to go through this existential depression because of spiritual awakening, it doesn’t have to be. Many people understand this situation and move quickly with their lives. But, there are others who are looking for answers. They can’t find anyone to explain it to them, or to convince information. One day, hoping it doesn’t come too late, they realize by themselves that it is an existential depression.

What are the reasons for existential depression:

This depression is linked to specific conditions, to the loss of a loved one, to difficulties in life. It can happen to so many people, now we want to talk about it.

  • Depression due to hormonal imbalance due to over-thinking or awakening. Hormones go from dark to light.
  • Biological depression because of your genes, everything can change, your genes, your physiology, your thoughts.
  • A seasonal depression.

So you doubt it means you have to learn the truth. If you are going to think too much, you are not able to organize your thoughts. You cannot ask your heart to judge everything. By going through an awakening, you are not able to take full control of your new condition. So, you are anxious.

So, quite simply, get organized with your thoughts, take them easy and your life will change for the better.

Signs of existential depression:
  • Persistent deep thoughts about the purpose and essence of life.
  • A strong desire to know answers to existential questions.
  • A feeling of dissatisfaction with the state of society and what is going on there.
  • Feeling distant from others.
  • Feeling that your surroundings aren’t able to understand you, no one understands the depth of your thoughts.
  • Feeling of deep and chronic loneliness.
  • You feel empty or insensitive inside.
  • Lack of interest in social communication with others.
  • Anxiety.
  • Lack of enthusiasm.
  • Lack of energy.
  • Believing that most things are meaningless.

Depression is the result of certain thoughts and beliefs that the person has adopted from an external source.

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