During spiritual awakening, you will see signs that give you answers to everything. As if there is someone who wants to give you answers to all your questions when you are not able to understand the situation. So he starts showing you clues through various means.

What does it mean to be awake?

First you get into synchronicity, then you start to see numbers repeated specially 11:11. Twin flames will see it a lot.

Spiritual awakening will allow you to see signs and numbers, so try to figure out what these numbers are telling you? Remember that all of these signs are present in your life to guide you. They confirm to you whether your thoughts are good and in your favor or not, and this is where your thoughts can take you.

It is important to focus on your thoughts, in order to extract the right ones that will help you move forward on the most suitable path.

So are you ready to take the advice of your heart if a new idea arises?

When you listen to your intuition, you are connected to the wise part within you. You will then get the correct answer and you will never feel lost. 

For example, if you see the 11:11, please keep your thoughts positive, as much as possible you must be a positive person.

Since your thoughts are going to become a reality, they will be taking place in your life so soon, so give the best of your positive energy to make your life shine.

Don’t be afraid and trust your intuition.

In fact, you are not going to see the 11:11, at the beginning of awakening, you will see them later.

Seeing the 11:11 means you are entering the new era of planet Earth, you are starting to be in synchronicity with the earth, you are feeling synchronicity in a new way, you will see life differently.

Now, are you seeing the 11:11?

Know that you are reaching the most important level of spirituality. You see the 11:11 so it means the merging of the ego. You are experiencing reconciliation with yourself, people and the universe.

At the moment, are you seeing life in a different way? So know that you will start seeing the 11:11 soon.

Every time you see 11:11 it means you are on the right track.

You are so protected by your spiritual world, also be sure that your aura is so strong.

Now you know, you are the Co-Creator of your life, you are the leader, you become a wise person, so avoid negative energies and people. Focus on your life and your own personal development. Be aware of your current situation, ask questions, and seek answers that agree with your intuition.

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