What’s the spiritual awakening?

What’s the spiritual awakening?

The experience of the spiritual awaking is practically personal because it depends on your own experiences on this earth, it doesn’t include others, it is just according to yours.

The common thing in this experience is the feeling of being awake, as if you were in a dream and now you wake up to life.

You feel like your actual life is completely so different from your previous one.

The topic of awakening is not related to any culture, education or religion, it depends on something bigger than that because living a spiritual awakening can give you a strange feeling as you can doubt any previous beliefs you had before. Then you start thinking about making a change, you can change everything in your life. You start controlling more yourself.

The reason behind a spiritual awakening can be a sudden shock that creates a big change in your life, after this, you may sit down and start reviewing all what happen, you keep thinking in everything, you will think using your heart. This big change affects you so much.

If you are having a kind of thought about the universe, it is a sign that you are living a spiritual awakening.

You may feel your life is changed forever, you want to be alone for a certain time, how and why every event in your life was that way, you want to understand it from a different perspective so you will be able to reprogram your mind according to how your new life should be.

You may feel like you want to be more generous with people, you want to communicate with them or to help them. Your spiritual side becomes wider.

You may be judged by others but that won’t affect you anymore, the big change happening in your life lets you feel as if you are reborn again, so whatever your ears may hear, you are able to give them your quick reply.

In general, your points of view about all around you are changed and they will take an easier explanation, this universe, and this existence and everything you are understanding them in a simple way.

You are feeling that the light inside of you is helping you see clearly.

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