There is one thing that you need to activate right now, it is patience. You may be thinking that you are already patient and if there is more you can do to calm yourself down, but for now, all you have to learn is patience.
This condition and this separation, this moment when you have experienced pain, know that you are able to overcome it. Since you are a twin flame, no matter how unbearable this pain is, you are always there to stand up for yourself. You are so strong.
You have a strong connection with spiritualities while you are not aware of it. If, you know that there is fire inside you, you must also know how to calm it down. Some people stay for years with deep pain, not knowing the easiest way to end it.
It will be the day you decide to empower your soul, to explore yourself, to release all negative energy.
You will see and understand why you come here to this earth, how you can help humanity. When you discover and raise your level of consciousness, what kind of magic can come from the inside of you.
Instead of wasting all of your energies, or reaching a point where you say you are weak, focus on your energies and your power. We have already told you about your personal number, your date of birth, the meaning of the numbers, and spiritual awakening. Why? Because we want you to be able to take your own decision and not anyone else at your place. You know everything, you know you can choose whatever you want.
You have spiritual strength within you. But do you think that this life is testing you? Why?
Be sure, it’s not for overthinking, or feeling exhausted. It’s just a matter of deciding. Imagine it, climb the stairs step by step. You are free to be who you are. You want to be a happy, creative, or confident person. Later, you decide to help others and share knowledge, you work to create a certain status in society. No one can block you, it’s only your negative thoughts that put you so far away from who you are. Why? Because you are focusing on why you are not with the person that you want the most. Indirectly, negativity separates you from your true self and your twin flame. After a certain time you may lose both.
Please believe that if you meet your Twin Flame even for once, it is a first sign of who you are. Start your awakening and avoid overthinking.
If you are successful in your spiritual evolution, you will know how much humanity needs you, yes you, that you see that you are an ordinary person. Know that when you decide you can make a difference in this world. So if you notice that your etheric body is sending you signs, it means: Pay attention, hurry up, get out of this pain.
Choose patience after a separation and focus on yourself. Come back to your soul. Do not ask for help from others. You know better than anyone what to do. This is not at all wrong if you just close your eyes and you feel the presence of your soul and ask for guidance. You will feel at peace.
Now the first thing you are going to notice:
There are no problems or reasons to suffer. You felt it because you were in the 3D. And now, as you start to level up, 4D and 5D, you’ll notice that things like this don’t exist there.
Are there other solutions to overcome the pain of separation?
Activate cosmic laws, those kinds of laws, no one can change them no matter what. “I learn to love, to forgive, to let go, to have compassion. “
When you activate any of these laws, for example: “I have the power to forgive and to keep my heart pure from all kinds of grudges.” These are vibrations, you send them to your etheric body and they will appear in your physical world. You live with these vibrations.
Now what will happen when you will obtain the energy of patience.
You will see that everything in your life is under control again. As you activate one of the cosmic laws, the flow of its energy will organize your life. Look, the role of cosmic energy is to organize this whole universe. Anyway, everything is back to order. So you, what you do, give yourself access to that energy and that’s it. Why not.
You are part of this universe and you are able to organize your life on your own. How is with reprogramming, using your thoughts, picking the right directions, how much you work on it. As long as you think well, it’s going to be fine.
You program your mind by taking idea by idea and not a lot at the same time. Because you have to ask your heart about this idea, you let it judge, and then you know whether to do it or not.
Your heart is the one that is able to calm the invisible fire deep inside you. If the heart says it’s wrong, you’re going to reject that idea. You will feel the peace.
When you connect with the heart, you attract such a strong energy of light that can remove the darkness within you.
Where does this light come from?
Right after starting the connection. You will notice that there are heartbeat and compression. It is the cosmic energy that reaches your heart and creates vibrations with your etheric body. Everything changes in moments.
How to activate your etheric body using your physical body? You activate the 7 colors which here signify your 7 chakras. You have to purify your aura and know how to connect well with your soul.
You must have the intention of change. Now you know everything, so don’t suffer and take your time but don’t waste it.