When does telepathy begin between twin flames?


When does telepathy level peak between twin flames?

Here in this case we are talking about telepathy which becomes a continuous connection where you do not have to prepare anything to receive the message. Already, between the twin flames, this kind of communication exists even if they haven’t noticed anything. There are a lot of people who take telepathy sessions even through YouTube, they just feel comfortable with the voice of a guide and they go through all the steps. But, quite simply, these people are not aware that they are already in complete connection with their twin flame. If you are not going to work on yourself and move on to 4D, you are going to revolve around the experience of telepathy and nothing is going to change.

Now you know this truth, there is a continuous and open connection between you and your Twin Flame.

First of all, when does telepathy start between you?

Telepathy begins when the hunter becomes aware of the relationship because the runner is already aware of it. First of all, what happens when one of them starts to feel like they miss the other so much? If the other partner is not aware of this, it means that there is no vibration, then there is no connection.

So, at what stage does the connection start in real life?

It’s just when the two of you are aware of your relationship. When the hunter realizes and feels that he needs the other so much. Something inside of him says and repeats that this person is his twin flame, his soul and everything and he cannot let go. The moment he becomes aware, the vibrations become active and moving, so the connection begins.

In fact, you know that all connections exist in the etheric world.

Here, on the physical plane, nothing exists. All telepathy stories are based on one thing: feelings and emotions. Telepathy is purely spiritual and you can do it with anyone you love and not just your Twin Flame. There is nothing in this physical world, it is as your naked eye sees it, there is no connection.

And if you ask about connection, love, and emotions, you can only find them within the etheric world.

And there, know and trust that you are able to connect with each other and especially your Twin Flame. The moment you notice that, as if a fire is burning inside your heart, your connection with your twin flame becomes like a bond of fire. So for twin flames, if we say there is a connection, then there is and if we say there is telepathy, then it exists.

However, how can this happen and how can you understand that it is telepathy between you?

For Twin Flames, telepathy can be all the time, all day, as long as you think about it, there is telepathy. You must be aware of this truth now, if you think of him all the time he will think of you because there are vibrations moving between you within the etheric world.

However, you may wonder how your Twin Flame can feel about you, if you are, first and foremost, in this real world?

So know that you are here inside this physical world thinking about each other using your feelings, you can be sitting between people distracted, thinking about each other as they can be too. . There is a strong sense of permanent connection between the two of you, even if you don’t notice that you are actually thinking about him.

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