Why do I think about someone all the time?

The reason for overthinking about someone is one of these two whether we are thinking about the person or they are thinking about us.

For example, there is no relationship between you but you find yourself thinking of him suddenly, so it's a sign that he is thinking of you. However, he can also think negatively.

Thoughts are a kind of communication between souls, it is an interaction with the universe and it can reach you. You can think of the thought as a living being. Never tell yourself that you are getting old, the soul does not grow up. It belongs to another world different from ours.

Do not lock your soul inside your body.

Try to soar higher and live with hope and inspiration. Help others and share your love everywhere. The thought is an energy that we send to each other, so if you love someone, you are probably the one sending the energy to the other. You should therefore be aware that over-thinking can tire you and the person you love.

For example, you love someone, you think about them, you see them in your dreams and it becomes a reality.

When we sleep our soul leaves our body, this soul is like an electronic brain that saves everything you see during the day. You can wake up and do whatever has been already saved in your subconscious, for example, you move, you walk and you do a lot of things, but that's a no, in fact, you think first, your thoughts are the base and we can confirm that the law of attraction is true. Everything is preexisting in your subconscious mind.

This life is a feeling, the soul connection is a feeling. Where do all these feelings come from?

It's your way of thinking, your dreams, and what you saved in your subconscious and you just do it. You think of someone and then you dream, you thought and your soul does the rest. Because this life is a life of the soul and not of the body. The experience of life is for development, and the soul comes here to develop. We need a developed soul.

How do you connect with others? What are your principles and values?

You have to set standards and values ​​because as long as you live with discipline, you are clear with yourself and at peace, you will be able to do something for this humanity, even the simplest thing matters. Even by meeting your Twin Flame, you will be able to help them instead of hurting them with excessive thoughts.


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