Why spiritual awakening is important for twin flames?

How to achieve spiritual awakening?

Whether you have a twin flame or not, you have to start asking yourself a lot of questions that you have to think about.
Meditation can help you reach spiritual awakening, and you will feel comfortable.

When you know who you really are, how does this life go?

Whatever we do during the day, it’s going to be saved as a video sent to our dream world. You may or may not remember it, but these dreams can give you clues, solutions, or tips so that you can improve what you have experienced yesterday with the new coming day. Everything you do now will have an effect on your future.
So try to do positive things, be connected to your soul, and in general, your spiritual world. Enjoy your dreams. Understand the signs.
Be greedy for positive energy, this organized cosmic energy, take as much as you can, and live your life to the fullest.
Your physical world is linked to this Earth, the difference comes from the Earth, even the difference in languages ​​comes from the earth. Your tongue is like a filter, every word generates energy, the words themselves are a living being that you feed. So say positive things, speak positive, move that positive energy using your tongue. Try to understand, listen, think, learn the philosophy of this life. Everything is linked to each other. You can contemplate this universe, the power of this cosmic energy … It is the beginning of the awakening, the beginning of coming out of the crisis, of letting go, …

What does love need?

Compassion, you must have compassion in your love. If your partner says he loves you while, there is no compassion, support in his actions, you don’t need that love.
Try to understand the meaning of compassion, the meaning of these cosmic symbols
You will then understand the Twin Flame or anyone who feels like they have a Twin Flame, that we come from each other’s hearts. We all have twin flames, every live being has a twin flame.
So if you meet someone and you feel that you are one soul, please start with respect. Pay attention to how the other may be feeling. The same respect you expect from him, give it to him.

Why is spiritual awakening important to the Twin Flames?

What is your relationship with this person? Is he your twin flame or not?
The moment you admit your relationship with this person, you call him your twin flame, you believe your life will be better with him, you will enter into spiritual awakening.
There are two types of awakening, the spiritual awakening and the awakening of the mind.
You will enter the spiritual first so that you can enlighten your heart. You will receive a new way of thinking that will create your new path to the basic life sciences and spiritual energy, …
Do you know that we all live on this Earth, each one in its own way?
Your body is divided into two parts, right and left, the left part is related to the physical world, time and space, the right part is related to the spiritual world, outside of time and space.
Trust that the right side is all spiritual, this is where you are living your dreams.
The right time of awakening depends on your questions. Are you thinking about your twin flame, who is he? What is your relationship with this person? Little by little you will understand. You will believe that he is your twin flame, all signs will show that.

How can I meet my twin flame?

Start with your spiritual side, live with your right side. You will always find it with you. Your right side will help you be with your Twin Flame in this real world. It doesn’t mean living with your twin flame by imagination. But it’s a truth, we also live within our second spiritual world. How to believe it, do not think too much with your mind.
Our mind is like a little machine, it brings an idea, this idea moves to your heart, which is inclined a little to the left side, so this idea stays on your left side until you judge it with your heart.
If you ignore it and another idea comes, your heart will push it, your heart will pump your thoughts, it will generate life within you.

So, do my thoughts move me?

Yes, and your heart pushes them and propagates them in your Aura, whether they are positive or negative.
Now you have understood that the first step in achieving enlightenment is your aura. The beginning of awakening is by cleaning your aura, and it is not that simple.
You change your own world and bring a new way of life, a new way of thinking, a new program. What to do first? We have to get rid of many layers of negativity, the holes in your aura, it is not easy, it takes time. It is your right to have a strong and healthy aura. You have to have it and feel it.
With discipline and perseverance, you will succeed in doing a complete cleaning. You purify your soul, your body, and your spirit.

Since the twin flame relationship is spiritual, you must be on your right side.

You have to reach this second part within you. You need to be a positive person, able to respect yourself, the universe, and the people around you.
You will feel at peace. You will feel the presence of your twin flame within you. You are together on a spiritual level before you are in the physical world. Live with your right side. You will find that there is no problem between you and him. Even if you are apart, you feel that you are together, there is a bond between you, luckily, this invisible bond can never be cut. Everything that is Eternal has divine powers, so that this connection between you too. Learn to see it, and you will experience the miracles of the Twin Flame Connection.

However, there are still a lot of people who are not able to understand this.

They will understand that after so many difficult experiences, after a year, 2 or 10 years, or even more. Because they didn’t understand that they need to reach the awakening first of all. They had to work hard and be disciplined until their lives becomes balanced.

For example, if they have a twin flame and that twin is sending them negative energy. They will not understand this relationship, they will be in disagreement and under unstable life. Even if this twin wants to come back to them, he will not have the courage to do so. Never forget that each Twin Flame has his free will, he will think and decide, and that is his right.
Later, they choose to reexamine their lives, to wake up when that can be too late.

Do never give up on your desire for positive change.

Time passes so fast. So why don’t you wake up right now? Your spiritual world has all the knowledge. You won’t need anyone to teach you about life.
We’re here to show you the way, to tell you where you can find the right information. It’s in your heart. Your soul knows everything, when you reach your spiritual world, you will see life in a new way. You live your physical world through your spiritual world, you are in union with yourself.

Your spiritual awakening will help you to be with your Twin Flame.

The person most aware of this relationship is the stronger.
Sometimes you may wonder why it’s all on me. However, avoid this question. Don’t look back, know that radical change is not that easy, so be patient.
Absolutely, your Twin Flame will be so grateful for the efforts you did. The true union of twin flames must start from your secret spiritual world. If you let your mind be the judge, it will find many problems for every situation.
Remember, if this person is your twin flame, then, he is your twin flame in this life and forever.
Never think of seeing this physical part in him. Separate yourself from the physical and experience your spiritual relationship first, as souls become one. The love of twin flames is very beautiful. It looks like the Eternal. Its impact remains even when the twin flame couple leaves this Earth. We say thank you to the brave souls, that they were able to share unconditional love with this planet, and that they were an inspiration to us.

So, the last message, never hesitate to work hard on yourself.

Sometimes, circumstances can force you to have a spiritual awakening, when it has already become too late, after 10 or even 20 years of struggle. You know why? You were so far from your true life path. You have or will go through the paths of chance. Nothing is guaranteed there.
So be sure, the decision is yours. Happiness exists, starts from deep inside you, don’t waste time, don’t live this life as an illusion. You are a spiritual person. You are strong and we love you.

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