Total Solar Eclipse of December 4, 2021: New Beginning

 Today we are going to talk about the last eclipse of the year, it will be total and will be experienced intensely. 2021 ends with this wonderful astronomical event and it will be Saturday, December 4th. It's a solar eclipse and it's so important. We will talk about his energy in general. And since it's the last one, its impact will be so strong. It will be like closing an old page and opening a new one for the next year. In a way, this eclipse will come at the right time. We are already at the end of the year. So, it is important to follow the tips so that we welcome the new year with new energy different from the old one. In fact, if we want to give a title to this eclipse, it will be: Put a full stop on the last page. Start with a new page and let go of what no longer serves you. Let's say this energy has already started from the lunar eclipse that occurred on November 20. So, the most important tip that we can say, be wise while spending money. This strong energy can push you to buy so many things that you don't really need. Already there are a lot of offers everywhere in this period. So somehow you can buy unconsciously. Simply, be aware in order to welcome the new year, financially, ready and stable. Try not to let this energy boost your budget side then you spend so easily. Also, avoid loans or investments before December 4th, because you may feel drawn to these things like they are a big deal. But, you will find out later that you are wasting your money in vain. Wait, after December 4th you're going to see things more clearly. Secondly, on the sentimental side, it's time to let go, you have to put an end to any attachment that hurts you. In general, this energy can force you to choose this path, the end. Now, if you have something to say, to express, such a point of view, say it out loud and finish it. If you are worried that your partner is going to leave you, sharing your thoughts and expressing your hidden feelings, let him go. Because the most important thing is to choose not to bring anything, as negative energy, with you to the new year. It is better to end any relationship that is causing you pain. Also, complete any project that no longer serves you. During this time, keep the word stop in your head. If you feel that you are on the wrong path, stop, express your thoughts and decide. And if you see that you need to let go, then do it. It's time to filter everything and choose who deserves to accompany you. Try to take full control of every detail of your life. Make the necessary adjustments before starting the new year. This latest eclipse is such a great opportunity, it would help you clean all the negativity. Now is the time to clean up and let go of what doesn't serve you. However, if you are feeling down or sad, go out in nature. If you can't because of the weather, just take a salt bath. Because you can feel heavy energy during this period especially if you have sentimental problems. Use scent oil or candles if you prefer this in order to remove negative energy from your body. In general, use the method that gives you comfort and quick help. Now that you are aware that this solar eclipse will help you cleanse negativity and let go, you just have to set up your mind. End this year with clean energy. If you were delaying some projects or had unfinished business, don't be surprised if it comes up in front of you again during this time. You must accomplish them as so as possible. I will end this post by telling you that 2022 will be a very good year better than the previous ones, so prepare yourself so well for it.

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