Full Moon of March 18, 2022

We will talk about the full moon of March 18:

maybe you have already started feeling its energy because it is obvious and clear. When I share with you some information about a new moon or a full moon, I always refer to open energy, for example, it is for two weeks and you have to benefit from them. Those kinds of information are in correspondence with the energy of the month. They can give you hints about what is necessary to do or to avoid.

What about the energy of this full moon?

It is so powerful and important because it doesn’t belong to this period of time, but, the last 6 months. This is the lock for them. Check it out. What was that you were interested in or working on for 6 months ago? Was it about work, relationship, or health, in what you were investing your time and that take most part of your thoughts? Now, it is time to add the last touch or call it the full stop. It is time to end it. Because you have to start seeing true results. This full moon is so strong that will shed light on the end of the road that you are on.

Second, this full moon will concern health.

If you are interested in starting a diet, do it. Especially for this week, if you are in need of a diet. It is the right time, you will find yourself supported by strong energy that will help you carry on, and you will see awesome results. *

Third, if you have any hobbies:

you can start practicing them.

Four, this full moon to make an end for things, as we call it before the full stop.

That shouldn’t be always a negative matter. For example, you were single for a long time, don’t be surprised if you feel like you want to end this kind of situation, you feel pushed by strong energy to find ways to a life of a couple. Or someone else in a superficial relationship that hurt him so he will decide to let it go. The same thing for professional communication, you may end unnecessary ones since there is balance and you will prefer clear relationship where everything is organized, no more chaotic relationship in the work field.

Fifth, this full moon will shed light on your financial life.

you will feel like you put it under priority. You will want to control your finance, and think twice about what you should invest before taking any decision. You will rearrange your money life.

Sixth, this full moon will give a desire for spiritual awakening.

you will focus on your spiritual growth and this kind of energy started already from the last month, many people start seeing their inside and redirect their focus on their depth. If you still not working on your spiritual growth, try to start, from now on, instead of being pushed later because of unexpected conditions.

Start your journey of conscience discovery.

We will all pass through this kind of journey. so since now you are aware of it, work on it. Keep a strong and clean energetic or etheric body, a body that will be able to face all kinds of challenges. Instead of being unconscious, hits after hits, you feel broken inside and you start looking for ways for healing yourself. Go inside of spiritual growth and be strong. For health, the day before and after avoids drinking a lot of water because already the percentage of water will be high and you may feel as what happened to the sea tides. So, you pass by stressful moments. If you love meditation.

If you remark that you were investing your time on something and these days you are not seeing the results, try to make a stop and decide what to do next. Always some end of road signs comes to clear the way for you, to carry on to the next level or to make a stop. Don’t sit down living the routine of life, go out of your comfort zone because in that way you will be able to reach your goal, to have dreams, and to make them true. Don’t keep the same life routine you are able to change it.


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